Think of yourself as a problem solver and you will be on your way to success as an information marketer. Millions of people turn to Google when searching for solutions to their problems, and you can certainly jump in and help people with your experience and expertise in any area you are knowledgeable in. If you do not have the personal knowledge, you can use private label rights (PLR) products or find experts that you can interview.
The information you sell online will most likely be digital. This can include short reports, eBooks, audio recordings, and even membership sites on the topic in question. Your market will be able to download and use the information within minutes of purchasing it, even if it is 3 in the morning where you live.
If this sounds like a business model that would work well for you, you can learn more about my training programs or visit the Incubator to join a membership program where I guide you through weekly webinars as you work through the modules. My program begins on August 12, so be sure to let me know if I should add you to my student list. Marketing information has changed my life, and it can do the same for you as well. You can watch a short video here about getting started with your online business.
I listened to last nights incubator webinar- it was great! I walked away with an action list that was very doable. I also got an idea for a new ebook.
I highly recommend that if you are New and want some really great coaching on getting up and running – this works! I love the special attention I get.
Having crossed paths (miraculously, I believe) with you and Jeanette Cates has helped me to settle down, immediately identify and delete hype and garbage from my inbox, and finally have the confidence to build a successful online business.
Genuine, ACTIONABLE information is what every entrepreneur wants and needs. It’s refreshing to meet and work with true professionals who actually give a darn!