I was at a conference early in 2008 and the speaker asked several people what type of business they were in. They each had a different niche, and answered with their USP (unique selling proposition). He then pointed at each one of them and said, “Wrong, wrong, wrong!”. He went on to to tell us that we were all in the marketing business, and that the sooner we realized that the more profit we would make in whatever niche we were in.
I chose to believe this speaker because this made perfect sense to me. I looked around at business people in my own community, and saw that the ones who chose to spend at least half of their time marketing were more likely to be successful.
When I look back over the past two years, it is the marketing that has helped to make me as successful as I am. I have become a student of marketing methods and techniques, and study this topic almost daily. I also market myself at least 10 times each day – up from just once each day a year ago. If you want access to one of the masters of marketing, get Armand Morin’s free internet marketing newsletter. You will be amazed at how easy it is to set yourself apart from others, simply by learning to become a marketer first, and a specialist in your niche or area of expertise after that.
This is good stuff. And very accurate. It reminds me of the fact that most people in theNetwork Marketing or MLM Business don’t know anything about marketing. Recently I spent time actually marketing myself and lessons I’ve learned as opposed to just learning about products and tools. Interestingly enough alot more traffic & responses are coming my way.
Go figure.