For several years I attended live events about four or five times each year. I enjoyed learning new things and meeting people who were interested in things similar to those I was pursuing, but the cost of attending was sometimes prohibitive.
About two years ago I met someone who made me see it in a completely new light. I had stayed over an extra day in Atlanta to see my daughter and her husband, and ended up meeting this man in the coffee shop at the hotel. He told me that he had made more money at this event than he had even imagined, and offered to buy my lunch.
I was intrigued by this. He had not been one of the speakers, so I could not understand how he had made money. I was still counting up how much I had spent at this event, including the plane ticket and hotel bill. He told me how he had come up with a system in order to meet the right people at each event. He arrived a day early and stayed a day after the seminar was over, in order to maximize the time. He would meet people during the seminar who would be good prospects for his business, and refer others to various places using his affiliate link.
I ended up buying his course (it’s only $67) and began to attend more live events than ever before. I couldn’t believe that I had not thought of some of the things he was teaching. Instead of dreading the idea of spending money at yet another seminar, I now plan ahead and make extra income while i am there and after I get back home.
Soon I will be telling you about the Big Seminar and other upcoming events. make sure you listen to this training so that you can maximize your earning potential, even if you are new to all of this.
Hi Connie,
I SO agree — I never attend an event without a game plan for getting the most out of it and while that includes meeting and connecting with people (much different than “the dreaded networking”), for me, it also includes paying attention to the questions being asked (and answers given).
Events are such a fabulous place to do research for your own biz and content creation in addition to what the speakers are providing and the one-on-one connections you can create.
Thanks for another great post!