You can make more money with a business online than with almost any other business. That is a powerful statement, and it is completely accurate. There is an inner game related to making money on the internet that seems to make a huge difference with whether or not you will be successful. Doesn’t it make sense to learn more about this inner game before going any further with your business?
I have broken this inner game down into five areas that you will need to focus on. This is simpler than you may have imagined. This means that I am not asking you to write anything down or spend any money. Instead, these inner game success principles only require that you spend some time each day to implement them.
1) Provide value to the people you serve. No matter what your niche, make sure that you are giving your prospects and clients the latest and best information. Take some time each day to research what else is available on your topic and do whatever you need to in terms of educating yourself in your niche.
2) Value your time more than making money. This means that you will want to outsource anything that takes time away from what you do best. This may include housekeeping, mowing the lawn, or setting up an optin page.
3) Think about what your ideal business will look like. You are an entrepreneur, so this is your choice. Many of us have worked for others for many years, and the idea of making our own decisions does not come easily. Spend time every day visualizing your ideal work day and business. Get used to doing this and you will be pleasantly surprised.
4) Be willing to put your internet business first. This means that you must get your priorities in order for your business to succeed. During my first year online I spent most of my time working on article marketing, blogging, and creating products. My friends and family understood that this was important to my success. Now I only work about twenty hours each week and I have lots of time and money for these same people. It is worth it to put your business first until you get it up and running.
5) Take time off every single week. You must take one full day off every week. This will refresh you and make it possible for you to be more creative. Taking time off will help you to make more money.
These five ideas will change your life. Spend some time each day implementing them and you will see dramatic results.
Great Thoughts…from the heart…Thank You!
You always practice what you preach, Connie, as you certainly provide value to the people whom you serve and who look to you for guidance in succeeding in online marketing. Thanks for the tips and suggestions, and nice new look to your website.
Thanks for the practical and proven insights. Many gurus seem to way overcomplicate the inner game piece. You have provided some genuine action steps to move along in the inner game at the same time that you’re putting your outer game in place. Bravo. GREAT items to build into your ongoing structure.
I must admit, Connie, that I find it difficult to do number 5 (take a FULL day off). I guess it’s become a sort of addiction because I often feel I need to at least take a peek at how things are going..
Do I need help for this problem?