As you know by now, I am in the middle of a challenge with Alex Mandossian to build my list by the end of October. I will share with you how I have been able to do this, but that will be for another time when I can share many things with you to help you build your own list.
For now, please sign up by putting in your name and email address in the opt-in box on the top right of this page. Then I will be able to send you the details of a free teleseminar I will be giving on Tuesday. This call will explain exactly how I have grown my affiliate income over the past year or so, and now earn enough each month to make my mortgage payment. I live just north of Los Angeles, so you know that payment is not small.
I have posted about affiliate marketing before. As I looked back over my previous posts early this morning, I see that this one has some great information on affiliate marketing in general. During the teleseminar I will get more specific and answer all of your questions. If you can’t make the live call, you will still be able to ask your questions in advance and listen to the replay later on.
So I invite you to sign up, if you haven’t already, and please ask someone you know to do that as well. Oh, I almost forgot about the Bonus for signing up now. I am giving away one of my most popular courses I taught during 2008. It is filled with great information that will help you to start building your own online empire.
thank you!