The buzz continues to grow as I coaching one of my students, Helen Raptoplous, to 10K per month. People on three continents have now joined the 10K Laser Coaching program to watch as I coach Helen on how to increase her income and build her Internet business.
You see, Helen has been online for about a year now, and wasn’t making any money at all as of January 1. She began making money during January, and has now doubled what she earned during February! Yes, it’s very exciting, and you can apply the same methods I’m showing her to your own online business.
Is Helen working harder now? Yes.
Is she also working smarter? Yes.
Can you do exactly what I’m showing her? Most definitely.
It’s about knowing what to do and how to do it. It’s about having a mentor who cares about your success. It’s about moving forward, even when you have to continue to correct your course along the way.
Helen is an ‘Action Habits’ coach who will be working with some of my students during May and June, as part of a course I will be teaching then. I have enough faith in her to know that what she has to offer will benefit people everywhere. Her positive approach is based on habits she has developed over the last few years and is now sharing with the world. Take a look at what she’s achieving in the 10K Laser Coaching program and apply it to your online business.
I’m a member of your 10K Laser Coaching program – the content is fantastic. Since I started listening to this coaching, I have launched my new blog (something I’ve been putting off for over 3 months) and I’m applying the lessons you teach Helen in my own business.
I love this teaching format because it’s easy for me to go take action right away. I’m learning more in a short period of time than I have from other time-intensive seminars. And, the great progress Helen is making motivates me to stay on track and “shadow” what Helen is doing.
You’re a great teacher!
Thanks so much Connie!!
Hi there Steve, you are a great and supportive fly and that really makes a great difference!!
This is the biggest and best thing that has ever happened to me!! I love this program and I know it is working because I am determined to reach past the potential I have been demonstrating and go for my biggest dreams and goals ever!!
Connie has been there and done that and it is so real and so believable that I can do it too, that any of us can do it too!! That is why the program works!! Many great mentors have many students with great potential and outstanding goals.. only 1% reach them and those are the people who take the information seriously and take action to move forward! That 1% is not sitting around talking about it or wishing for it… they are MAKING IT HAPPEN!!!
Hi Connie,
I, too, am enjoying watching Helen’s progress and your directions and encouragement. I can apply everything to my own Internet business as I follow along. Thank you!
OK Helen Rappy!
You have laid down the gauntlet for us….we who also hunger to take our potential and MAKE IT HAPPEN!
For me, you represent RAPTURE!
And this joint project with Connie as your teacher-mentor is rapturous….as is the synergy between a great teacher and great student. You two are inspiring many of us by your example.
Thanks, and ….
Thanks so much for your support of what we are doing.
So many people are sharing with us that they are benefitting
from watching these webinar trainings and implementing
what I’m recommending to Helen each week.