Keyword research is crucial to marketing your eBook on the internet. In fact, the online world revolves around using the exact words and phrases that people use to search for your niche topic, so learning how to use these keywords to your advantage is a valuable use of your time. I will explain more of how you can get started in this area today.
Google has a free tool call the Keyword Tool External. This tool will give you everything you need to know about which words and phrases you need to be using in marketing your eBook online. I use it on a daily basis to make sure I am using keyword phrases that will help me to be found on the internet.
Just say that you have written an eBook about how to get certified as a scuba diver. Do you know what someone who is interested in learning how to do this might type in Google when they are searching? This tool will help you to find out in just a few minutes. When we enter the keywords scuba diving into the search box we can see that more than 800,000 searches were done on a global basis in the past month. Now that’s a hungry market! Do not be concerned with the local search volume at this point, because we are interested in reaching prospects from around the world.
Now you can read down the list of phrases that are shown in your search. The green bar next to each phrase represents the amount of paid Adwords advertising that is bidding on that phrase. We do not have to be concerned with that either, because we will be promoting our eBook initially with free marketing – primarily blogging, article marketing, social networking, Hub pages, and Squidoo lenses.
Now we want to research the topic we have written our eBook on, how to get certified as a scuba diver. The keyword phrase scuba diving certification has more than eight thousand global searches and the phrase scuba dive certification has about 880 searches. I like the long tail keyword scuba dive certification, because the people who are using that term to search are truly more targeted prospects.
Long tail keywords refer to the words that receive less than a thousand searches each month. I have found these to be the most valuable in the long run. Think about it this way; if you are just staring to search for information on scuba diving you will most likely use those words in your initial search. As your interest increases you may type something a little more specific, such as scuba diving lessons or learn how to scuba dive, with about 18,000 and 9,000 searches respectively. Note that you are still thinking in general terms, not including a location or a more detailed description of what you are looking for.
As a marketer, this is exactly where you want to begin to connect with your prospects. They are starting to use a few more words in their search phrases, showing us their piqued level of interest. If they were to find our eBook for sale online at this point, they would be more inclined to make a purchase. But let’s look a little deeper into how we can connect with them and stand out from among the vast sea of information available online.
We see that sixteen hundred people have used the keyword phrase scuba diving Florida Keys in their search. What if we were to write an article or a blog post using this exact phrase in the title? Do you think that the people who are now thinking about taking a trip to Florida to go scuba diving would be more than just a little bit interested? You bet they would!
By offering a free report that offers information on this specific topic we are much more likely to have people opt in to our site to receive more information. We could give away a few pages of resources that pertain to the Florida Keys, vacationing with your family in south Florida, learning how to scuba dive in the Keys, or any of a number of specific topics. The eBook we sell could be a more general one on how to get certified as a scuba diver.
Thirteen hundred searches were made for the phrase scuba diving safety. You could prepare a report on this topic to get those people to join your list, and then sell them the same eBook on getting certified in scuba diving. I hope you are seeing the pattern here. Use the long tail keywords to find your specific topics, write a short report on that topic as your free giveaway, and then sell the eBook on the topic you have written about.
By using these highly targeted and specific keyword phrases in your article titles, blog post titles, tweets on Twitter, Squidoo lens pages, and Hub pages, you will be able to connect with your prospects in a very unique way to sell more eBooks. Marketing online becomes much easier when you are targeting your prospects in this way.
I love the idea of using long tail keyword suggestions for ideas for creating reports, articles, squidoo and hub pages and so on. So many times as marketers we just pull ideas out of thin air without first checking to see if anyone out there is listening (well, maybe not listening, but searching for that information using that phrase).
I think this idea alone will make me a better writer – and marketer!
Thanks, Connie!
Thank you, Connie. I can see how using these long-tail keywords helps really tighten the search results so people can find exactly what they want and exactly what we want them to find.
I’m a certified scuba diver so I can relate specifically to the topic. People who are interested in learning about the topic are ready to devour information. Good, solid information.