We all tend to do business with people we ‘know, like, and trust’, and that begins with our first interaction with someone, whether it is in person or on the Internet. As a small business owner or entrepreneur, it is up to us to make sure we are showing our best side. Until the time that your prospects feel they truly ‘know’ you, you are just an unknown quantity they may be leery of doing business with. Taking the time you increase your ‘know, like, and trust’ factor is crucial to your success.
I teach that this all begins with the proper opt in page online. An opt in page is simple a page where people who are interested in what you do can see more of what you have to offer, and then leave their name and email address in return for a free report, audio, or video that goes into more detail. This is how you obtain new leads for your business and bring new people – prospects – into your marketing funnel.
Keep this opt in page as simple as possible. I like to use a headline that will grab the reader’s attention, and then tell a little about myself. This can be done with a short (less than three minutes) video or with two or three paragraphs of text. The idea here is to let readers know who you are and what you stand for within a few minutes. This can be followed by three bullet points that describe the report or other free gift you are giving them in exchange for their name and email address.
Remember that you are, in effect, selling your free giveaway, not your product or service, at this point in the process. You are slowly building your credibility with this new contact so they will come to trust you enough to want to do business with you in the future. Describe your free giveaway in enough detail for someone to feel like it is too irresistible to pass up.
Keep it simple or you are likely to scare off many of your visitors. For example, you will want to resist the urge to use fancy fonts and graphics. These are a real turn off to people who do not yet know you. We all resist anything on the Internet that looks too slick because it makes us not trust the person whose site we are checking out. The last thing you want to do is to scare someone off because of the way your page is designed.
As soon as your new prospect has filled in their name and email address to request your free giveaway, this is your next chance to build your relationship with them further. You must now fulfill on your promise by delivering the free giveaway in a professional and timely manner.
The next step is to stay in touch with your new prospects through email, phone, social media, direct mail, and any other way that is typical for your niche. It all begins when someone finds your opt in page and decides to take the next step by joining your list.
What questions do you have for me when it comes to increasing your ‘know, like, and trust’ factor?
Thanks Connie, I keep getting confused between the offer that I have on the top right of my website for a free report and an opt-in page. I have never actually set up a page that is just for opting in as I keep trying to drive people to my website. I think I need to do more research on this and make some adjustments.