You must lay a foundation in order to be successful online, or in any business for that matter. Many people jump right into marketing and selling products without doing this first. The result is a disappointing result that could have been done differently.
Take a look at where you are when you come online. Do you already have a business that can transfer easily from offline to the internet? When I came online in 2005 I had been working as a classroom teacher, real estate appraiser, and real estate broker. This meant that I did not have a business to bring online. It was going to be imperative that I lay a foundation if I was going to be successful on the internet.
Ask yourself some hard questions, like what you expect your business to look like. You may decide to be active with clients, coaching them and interacting with them on a regular basis. You may also decide that you want to set up your business to run on autopilot as much as possible. Either way, you will determine how you wish to spend your time each day.
Start a blog and begin to let people know who you are and what you do. Post as often as possible so that you can find your voice. Encourage readers to leave comments and listen to what they are saying. Once people understand more of who you are and how you can help them, they will begin to respond to your business model and feel more comfortable doing business with you on the internet. Lay a proper foundation and your business will be off to a great start.
Yes, these are good questions. Some things we know right off the bat and others we’ll figure out as we go. It is the same for someone in the bodywork field and perhaps in many fields: What techniques will I use? What population would I like to work with? How can I help? What else do I need to do or know or learn? The only thing is: Bodies are logical. They follow natural laws. No technology involved! Bodies are great! Technology…? But I always appreciate your articles. They point me in the right direction