Lead Generation Ideas That Work
It doesn’t matter what niche you coach in or who your target audience is, if you’re not actively building a subscriber base, you will struggle to grow your business. Think about it this way. Email allows you to reach out to your potential clients right where they live—in their inbox—and to stay connected even if they don’t visit your site or follow you on social media. But first, you have to get them on your mailing list, and that starts with a compelling opt-in offer for effective lead generation.
A 7- or 30-day challenge is a great way to entice readers to join your mailing list. Offering them a structured series of emails, Facebook Lives, or videos that leads to a desired outcome not only shows off your coaching expertise, but helps your subscribers get closer to their business or life goals. Popular challenges include daily blogging, eating healthier, exercising more, and focused marketing strategies. I was the first to host a 30 Day Blogging Challenge back in 2009 and continued it until others began hosting their own challenges.
Checklists & Worksheets
Sometimes the simplest opt-in gifts are the best, and that’s certainly the case with checklists and worksheets. In fact, because these one- or two-page PDFs are easy to use and quick to read through, they’re often much more popular than longer eBooks, videos and other downloadables. Not only that, but if you pull them from your own business documentation or start with done-for-you content, you can create a new opt-in incentive in minutes. Cindy Bidar offers her Funnel Builders Checklists Pack that continues to help me grow my business with effective lead generation and client retention.
If there’s one thing we all love, it’s an easier way to do something. Whether it’s writing an email, creating an opt-in page, designing a graphic, or posting to your blog, having a template to start with makes the whole process faster and more efficient. Here’s another reason templates make such great list-building offers: Your potential clients want to know how you work. Templates offer them the opportunity to peek behind the curtain of your business and see exactly how you handle everyday tasks. They show of your business skills and give your readers a much-needed boost of confidence as well, knowing that they’re following your proven methods. My most popular templates are those I include in my Really Simple Sales Copy training course.
Free Webinars
When it comes to list building and lead generation, you really can’t do better than webinars. I have offered a monthly “customer appreciation” webinar for about three years now. Regardless of your niche, offering a one-hour free training will really get your subscriber numbers up. In fact, one recent survey by On24.com shows that on average, a webinar generates 488 registrations. Not bad for a few hours of work, huh?
Want to make lead generation even easier? The collection of planners, forms, Teach Your Tribe kits and complete, done-for-you workshops from my colleagues at Coach Glue offer endless opportunities to provide your subscribers with exactly what they need to help start or grow their business. You can easily turn one of their planners into a 7-day email challenge to help your potential clients grow their businesses. Webinar In a Box gives you all the checklists you need to create a lead generating webinar, and the included “assistant checklist” or outsourcing agenda would make a great resource for your readers. And speaking of webinars, both the Teach Your Tribe kits and done-for-you workshops include webinar scripts, slide decks and handouts. All you have to do is choose the time for your event and invite your readers.
I’m author, publisher, and entrepreneur Connie Ragen Green and would love to connect with you. If you are new to the world of online entrepreneurship please check out my comprehensive training on how to set up Funnels That Click and learn how to gain an unfair advantage when it comes to building a lucrative online business.
Hi Connie. I’ve tried all of these methods at some point of time or the other and find checklists with a follow up sequences works best for my audience. Interestingly, my first lead magnet was an ebook on Self-Improvement which is now available as a lead magnet in my Kindle books and for some reason that 36 page ebook with 5 exercises resonated the most with visitors! I confirmed it with a list survey last year.
I feel we need to know our audience and what would work for them and repackage for that audience.