I have now enjoyed making money while I sleep for some time now, but last week I had some surgery that kept me from working for a couple of days. The first thing I did when I came out of surgery was to ask for my iPhone to check my email. Sure enough, I had made money while I was unconscious!
Working online is an excellent hedge against inflation and recession, but if you have health issues, are a caregiver for young children or elderly parents, or have any other unique situation that requires you to have flexible working hours, making money online can be the answer you are looking for.
Choose a niche and do some research. You want to work in an area where there is competition so that you know a market already exists. then set up an optin page, create something to give away, and start writing articles and blogging. That’s exactly how I got started three years ago, with more than a few mistakes along the way.
What else do you need to know from me about this?
Well, for one I’m glad you are OK and recovering! Second, take it easy! Third, its OK to take it easy because you’re still making money LOL You make it sound so easy, but I think we have to throw it – it takes dedication and hard work. I guess even if your are in surgery. I’m enjoying your blog!