I encourage my students to start making money right away when they start building a list in their niche. You may be wondering why this is so important. There are several answers to this, but the most important is that you must get into the habit of marketing to the people on your list from the very beginning, instead of waiting until some point in the future. If you have heard that you must have ten thousand people on your list before you can make any real money online, or some other specific number, this is just not true. The first time anyone said that to me, I was surprised and told him that it was a good thing I had never received that memo, because I had been making money from the time I had less than one hundred people on my list.
Getting into the habit of marketing every day, whether it is by sending an email to your list, writing and submitting an article to an article directory, holding a live teleseminar, or any of a hundred other worthwhile activities, will make a huge difference in how successful you will be in your Internet business. Making some money from your small list is excellent practice for when you will make lots of money from your big list in the future.
Building your marketing skills will enhance everything you do, both online and in person. Marketing is approximately 60% of our day, so setting up a schedule and routine is extremely important. I am certainly not an expert in this area, but I do know that continuing to improve my knowledge in this area has made a difference in my income during the past four years.
Go ahead and jump is a marketer to build the business you want and deserve. Every day you will want to market yourself in as many ways as possible. I have narrowed it down to fifty ways to make huge profits from a tiny list. You will want to make your own list that will be more specific to your niche and to your marketing style. Don’t be afraid to stretch yourself out of your comfort zone.
For example, I never thought I would be able to hold my own teleseminars. Just the thought of being on a live call with a group of people who wanted me to talk about my area of expertise was more than I could bear. My palms would become sweaty at the very thought of doing that type of marketing. I decided to challenge myself to do a teleseminar in 2006. No one was on the call with me and I was still nervous. I did two calls each week for about six weeks and the nerves disappeared. Soon I had people on my calls and I was actually looking forward to it each week. Get into the habit of marketing yourself and your business, and everything will fall into place in your business.
Hi Connie,
Your excellent post, especially the part about being sure to market every day, reminds me of a post I read recently by Michael Van Osch, a coach who focuses on men who work in marketing. Michael wrote, “Marketing doesn’t have a finish line.”
I really like your transparency about how you have nutured your own business – it sure adds cred to the techniques you so ably teach.
Excellent work, Connie. Your posts on these topics are a breath of fresh, practical air (ok, that was a horrible metaphor, but I hope it made the point).