When you first make the decision to work from home, you may not be taking into account the obstacles that you will face. It sounds so wonderful to be able to stay at home and make money from your computer. You must remember that this is a real job with time commitments and responsibilities.
After doing this for three years now, I mentor people who have a variety of backgrounds in terms of family and work experiences. If there is one area of your life that is not in balance, working from home will be much more difficult than it needs to be.
First of all, sit down with your family and discuss the reasons you are choosing to work at home. Many of us are passionate about what we want to do, so share that with your loved ones. They may not have any idea that you love to write or to teach others what you already know. By including them in the process from the very beginning, they are much more likely to be supportive and understanding.
Then, set up a work space where you will be away from any distractions. It is best if you can use an extra room in your house, but if this is just not possible then set up your computer and a bookshelf in a corner or the house that is far away from televisions, children’s play areas, or any othet area that has a high level of noise or traffic.
Finally, make a schedule for yourself so that you keep regular working hours. Let your family and friends know when you will be working, and ask them not to disturb you unless it is an emergency. All of this will help you to build a profitable online business.
The points you highlight above about working from home are essential. I now work for a company, but have worked for several years in the past from home and understand the necessity of your points. Thank you for sharing this post.