Making money on the Internet has a lot to do with the people you know. Who do you spend time with right now in your daily life? Did you know that the five people you spend the most time with will determine just how much money you will be able to make? As you change and grow as an online entrepreneur, you will start spending time with a different group of people, and that is part of the way that you will be able to increase your income significantly.
So, what happens to the people you now consider to be your closest friends? If they are not doing anything to change their own circumstances it won’t be long before you see that you do not have as much in common with them as you once did. I used to spend time with other teachers while I was a classroom teacher. We talked about the same things day in and day out, complained about the school system, and did very little to learn and grow in other areas of our lives. I also worked in real estate during this time, but there was always some jealousy around this so we never discussed what was going on in that industry. As I started building my Internet business in 2006 I began to stop spending time with this group of teachers. Slowly we lost contact, and today I am only friends with a few of them. These are people who are now retired from teaching, and we have more in common based on what we are doing currently in our lives than from the time when we were all classroom teachers.
Even people you meet and like in the Internet marketing space may not be the right ones for you to spend time with. I listen to what people are talking about to see if they are on track with what I know and believe in. For example, someone I have known for a couple of years now was telling me recently that gasoline prices in the Los Angeles area are a dollar higher than in the rest of the United States. This is not true, and this person has not traveled extensively or done any research in this area. It’s no wonder this person is still struggling financially and spending time with others who have very little going for themselves as well. To make statements out of ignorance is one way to keep people from wanting to spend time with you. Think about the statements you are making and the topics you discuss. Be open to learning new things and seeing a different perspective from those you meet. Make yourself desirable to those who are making money on the Internet and could be good friends and mentors to you.
Make it your goal to find some new people to spend time with. If you focus on this, within one year you will see a significant difference in your thinking and in your bottom line.
This is one of the things that will keep me from wanting to be a friend or colleague of someone – saying things out of ignorance. So many people make so many statements and have no clue what I even mean when I ask them to support what they are saying. Some people just don’t think that way.