Having your own membership site enables you to deliver your information effortlessly, while building a passive income stream for yourself. This used to be an extremely difficult process, but now the Wishlist plugin for WordPress makes it so simple everyone can do it. I have four of these membership sites set up already.
Think about the ways you can use a membership site. One way is to give one lesson or message each week over a period of time. If you are just starting out, set up as many lessons as you can and then allow members to join. As long as you stay ahead of your members, you can start selling memberships right away. Just say you have six months worth of lessons. That’s approximately 26 messages you will need to post. Keep your information evergreen and you will have your site set up for years to come.
I have a monthly mentor program. My students are able to log in to the membership area each week to get the details of our webinar for the week. I also add one or two PLR (private label rights) eBooks each month, as well as any short reports or webinars I create as products. That way they have access to more content and get more out of the mentor program.
My webmaster and I did a 90 minute webinar on how to install and set up this membership plugin on your WordPress blog. This webinar is available to everyone who gets their license through me, so let me know when you are ready to get started.
Hi Connie,
This is on the list for 2010. I will get noticed in 2010!
Linda – tweet me your posts and I will retweet them – I’m @ConnieGreen on Twitter.