As we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday here in the United States, I am reminded of what I am thankful for this year. At the top of my list is my health, because I have had serious health issues during the past ten years of my life. I no longer take for granted being able to get up each morning and have a productive day, free from pain. Each day is a gift and I am very thankful for this and for the fact that I am now aware of it.
I am also thankful for being able to earn a good living from my home computer. As it became more difficult for me to work outside my home, I prayed for a way to meet all of my expenses without having to be gone from home so many hours each day. My answer came as I began writing articles and blogging and building my online business during 2006.
In my former life I was a classroom teacher. I loved doing this for almost twenty years, but it became too physically demanding for me during the last few years. I knew I would miss teaching, but believed that that chapter of my life was now closed. The great surprise that I am so thankful for is that I am a teacher again! I have students from around the world who come to me to learn what I am doing in my internet business. I treasure each person and feel so very blessed for having the opportunity to teach and to learn from these special people in my life.
Being able to make a living with my writing is something I am also grateful and thankful for. I had dreamed of being a writer while I was in college, but several people told me my writing was not good enough. I chose to believe them and did not write for the next twenty years. When I came online I was forced to write, and after writing many articles, blog posts, short reports, and ebooks, I am now a writer. I thank God for the life I now have, and for the people I have met because of my online business.
One of my students, Cynthia Charleen, sent me a special Thanksgiving message this evening. She and I have now met in person twice, and I feel so blessed to know her. She was in the front row when I gave my presentation in Las Vegas for the contest I won. As I looked down at her from the stage I felt the love and support radiating from her. Be sure to visit her site on breaking free from clutter. Happy Thanksgiving to all of my U.S. friends, and know that I am thankful to have you in my life.
Congratulations on your dreams coming true:) Happy Thanksgiving.
Connie – thanks for sharing your gratitude. I have been getting my friends to believe that expressing gratitude on a daily basis is transformational and this is the season when that can either be forgotten or cemented in to our lives. I am grateful when someone expresses gratitude publicly. Let’s start a movement! A revolution!
As for the people who told you your writing wasn’t good enough, I grieve for your young self, but I celebrate the current you who has broken through that and realized she’s not only good, but a very, very good writer. I would love to see what you could do with fiction!
Dreams CAN come true when you take action! Connie, you are an excellent example of taking action and the success that comes from following your dreams. Thank YOU for all you share!