There is an application available on Facebook called the Networked Blogs application. I have used it for more than a year to syndicate the content on my blogs for traffic generation. I made a video to explain exactly how it works.
Once you have 20 followers, your blog will be syndicated through a feed on Facebook. Let me know thw name and URL of your blog in a comment on this post and I will follow you. If we work together we can all be syndicated within a few short days. Please join me in this group project that will benefit everyone.
The name of my blog is The Journey of Story and the url is – followers would be very much appreciated!!!
Hello folks, I have two blogs being fed to facebook and they are:
1) or
Confirming and following these blogs are much appreciated!
Happy New Year,
I am now following both of your blogs
on Networked Blogs on Facebook.
Thanks for joining us!
I know you know, but I’m doing what I’m told!
Tips on Writing –
You’re a gem!
Sounds great to me! Thanks Connie.
All my stuff is at
Looking forward to enjoying much success with all of you!
Happy New Year
I am now following your blog on Networked Blogs on Facebook.
Thanks for joining us!
Hi Connie and folks, my blog is:-
Granada Blog from Padul –
All the best for 2010
Thanks to you all
To follow your blog we must put in:
I hope this is helpful to the people trying
to follow you.
Hi Connie,
You’re going to have to change your email post–I now have 52 followers in just a little over 24 hours. You, Connie, and all of you who are following me, rock! Now I have to go and follow some blogs:)
If you’re game, here’s another:
Thank you!!!
Hi Connie and everyone! My blog is at Thanks. Happy New Year!
I am now following your blog.
400,000 readers? Now that’s worth testing
My blog is where I cover Online Marketing tactics for On-Purpose Entrepreneurs
Noel Lyons
Let’s make it a great 2010 everyone!
I’m now following your blog.
Great video – thanks for posting it. Looking forward to a very prosperous & productive 2010. I hope you have a great new years too! Looking forward to helping & supporting everyone. Thanks Connie for helping so many people achieve their dreams!
Hi Connie and everyone!
The name of my blog is Soul Purpose Blog and the URL is I set it up on FB and followers would be very much appreciated.
Happy New Year!
I was able to follow your blog. You may want to own
your own blog in 2010.
Wow, now this is REAL networking! Great idea Connie.
I’ll do it.
My blog is
It’s tips and training on running an online business using a specific system that generates leads, teaches you how to advertise , networking with others, listbuild, etc
I can’t find your blog. You may want to start your own blog
in 2010. Google now owns your blog and can take it down at any time.
Hi Connie,
This is a great idea. I followed Ellen’s blog and have some great astrology info, as well as having help her!! It’s a win/win.
my blog is
I would welcome any followers.
Happy New Year to everyone
Best wishes
I am now following your blog.
Hi Connie! I really appreciate your telling us about this new FB app. It’s exciting to see how we can help one another.
Our blog is The Coaching Pair and found at
The Coaching Pair’s Daily Grams provide short messages designed to support and encourage the small business owner, ministry or other non-profit leader, as well as network marketer. Messages run the gamut from attitude and thinking discipline to wellness tips and strategies all designed to “coach” the reader to grow into their destiny.
God bless and Happy New Year!
I’m following your blog.
Hi Connie,
Thanks for the video on Networked Blogs. You always come up with great ideas to help your mentees.
My blog can be found at:
I have to go out in a few minutes and so I’ll follow up on other folk’s blogs later today.
Wishing everyone an ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC 2010!
I can’t find your blog on Networked Blogs.
Let us know when we can follow it.
I couldn’t get to Granada Dave’s site – not sure if it’s registered or not.
I made a mistake at first and was putting in the full url, which brings you to the page not the place where you can follow. Just letting others know that it’s important to only put in the name and not the full URL.
Another great idea Connie. I have added my coaching blog The Tribal Council Online
Happy New Year!
I’m now following your blog.
My blog is already on Networked Blogs. It is a business and human resources issues related blog.
Good for you for already having
52 followers on your blog.
Hi Connie and everyone,
I am so grateful for this group as I have been blogging loads yet unsure if it’s relevant to my business! It will give you an ideea of who I am and what I think about things but there isn’t (as yet) much information about relationships…which is what it’s meant to be about. I watch and learn. Anyhoo, the address is I look forward to meeting up with you all there and on facebook. Great thing you’re doing here Connie! Thank you
I’m following Ellen’s blog and will appreciate your following. I’m on my way to add your blogs to my following. And, many thanks to Connie for this info!
Thanks for bringing us all together, Connie. I’ll be following everyone who comments and would appreciate their follow back through Networked Blogs. Great application!
My blogs are:
I’m following both of your blogs.
My blog is
Through this blog, it is my intention to give good fundamental oil and watercolor painting information to beginning and more advanced artist.
I’m now following your blog.
Please follow me on networked blogs I have changed my blog to
I can’t find you blog. Perhaps you can think about owning your own blog in 2010.
I guarantee it will change your business.
Hi Connie, This is such a great idea and I’m really excited about getting lots of new followers! My two networked blogs are and Can’t wait to see how many new followers I get before 2010!!
Happy New Year!
I’m following both of your blogs.
You’re fabulous as are all of your members! This is a wonderful idea. Thanks in advance for your follows. I look forward to visiting your blogs and following them as well. It is a win/win for us all.
I also have two blogs with a Facebook feed:
A Productive Pen
The Healthy Snack Blog
Happy New Year, all & Thank you!
I’m following both of them now.
Hi Connie,
This is great, I have already signed up for networkedblog and wondered why nothing was actually happening now I know. I need “20 followers”.
Thanks so much for clarifying.
My blog is
Thank you Connie for a helpful post. Getting on Networked blogs has been a great move for me!
Although I have 3.
* making your inner rockstar shine in online business and life.
* instructional guides and information
* LoveRockstar blog My personal blog
The only one I was able to follow was RockstarGuideBooks – let me know when the
other two are ready to follow.
Hi Connie,
Thanks for this information! What a great tool to use! My blog is
This is wonderful win/win information!
Thanks so much!
Gwyn Mendez
I am now following your blog on Networked Blogs on Facebook.
Thanks for joining us!
Hi Connie,
What a great idea to share with your students.
My blog is at
and I also help my husband with his blog at
I am now following both of your blogs on Networked Blogs on Facebook.
Thanks for joining us!
Hi Connie,
thanks so much for all your support!
My blog is
I help Veterans and their families heal from the trauma of war, and assist others in finding forgiveness, peace and empowerment even for unexcusable trauma with EFT-Emotional Freedom Techniques.
Thanks for the follow!
Have a great 2010!
Whoa! What a lot of great blogs to follow at Networked Blogs! I need a few more followers at and
I also need followers at and I appreciate all of you!
Happy New Year!
All followed!
Nicklove – I can’t find your blog in NetworkedBlogs what should I be searching for?
I’ve followed everyone on the list through MJ – then the NetworkedBlogs app acted up and now I have to leave – but I’ll get the rest of you later…
If you haven’t followed my blog The Journey of Story please follow and rate – Thanks!!
Hi All, again…it just took me about 1/2 hour to follow everyone’s networked blog.
Geoff Hoff and Nickolove – it couldn’t find your blog.
Linda Turner – I could “not follow” your blog. (not even the newer one.)
Make sure your blogs are on the Networked Blogs feature at FaceBook so this will work.
Thanks to all for going through this list and following each blog that still needs more than 20 followers.
Thanks so much for all you do to support others in their online businesses.
I appreciate you!
Thanks for the heads up about needing 20 followers. My blog is on the network on FB under pets and ferrets.
Amy Jo,
I’m following your blog now.
Thanks Connie!
I have 2 blogs being fed to Facebook:
I so appreciate the network follows and I WILL follow back!
I’m following both of these now.
Hi Connie, This is a great idea. I have two blogs, one is already on Facebook but not enough followers. – This one is in the networked blog on FB – This is also in the networked blog on FB
I am really looking forward to seeing how this works. Thanks for sharing this info. It’s a great way to start the new year.
Happy New Year Everyone!
Hi Connie,
What a fabulous idea! I’d love to be included. Our blog is I love reading your blog and following you on Twitter. Thanks for making promotion a group effort. Happy New Year!
This non-cyclist is Happily preparing to Cycle across Canada to raise money for Sears National Kids Cancer Ride-Sept. 2010. Follow the challenges and FUN!
Hi Connie –
What a great opportunity! I am technically challenged, but I think I set up 2 of my blogs on there and followed several from this comment thread (more to be followed later). I have an “undeveloped” Face Book account, but it was enough to get me going with this.
My blogs are: (about babies, nursery decorating & newborn gift ideas) (about hypnosis & self-improvement)
Thanks so much Connie!
Hey Connie
Thanks for sharing so much good information in 2009. I’m looking forward to implementing what I learn from you & making my time online pay off as I do what I love.
My Blog is
Peace & Blessings
Happy New Year,
Hi Connie and all,
This is such a terrific idea and a great way to put this year to bed and wake the new one up! I’m following Ellen’s blog, will have to get to the others over the next few days.
I put up two of my blogs:
Shawn Shearer’s Word World –
Shawniverse –
The first is a group of blogs about writing, grammar, and my services (Saving The World One Web Site At A Time!) and the second is the outlet for my imagination, with all kinds of weird stories – some true, some not …
Thanks to everyone, it will be interesting to see how this all turns out!
Hello everyone,
I have followed all of you who have furnished your blog
URLs on this site. I urge you to do the same so we can
get everyone syndicated.
Special thanks to Connie for providing this opportunity
for all of us. She is priceless!
Happy New Year,
Oh, by the way can anyone tell me what to do
so my picture appears on the comment box when
I post on this site? Thanks
Thanks a million for your continued passion to assist us with our on line business,
and thank you soooo much for sharing. What a brilliant idea for introducing us to Networked Blogs – You are certainly the best and I looking forward to your mentorship in 2010.
Happy, Happy, New Year and may 2010 be the best year for everyone.
Hi Connie,
I’ve now added my blog to Networked Blogs but need individuals to verify me as the author:
My next step is to connect with the blogs mentioned here.
Whew! I think I “followed” every one’s blog whose links worked and confirmed all the authors who needed confirmation.
Such a great idea, Connie!
Thanks so much!! Happy New Decade, everyone
I was able to follow Barb, Vernon, and Yvonne.
Shawn and Bonnie, your blogs did not show.
You are so awesome. Thank you for this. I have clicked to follow The Astrologer says. com and will do the others.
I also need to be verified as the author of my blog. My blog is
I only have one follower and it is because I don’t know what I’m doing. Thank you for your help.
Happy New Year to you.
Thanks for helping us out here, Ceci.
Hi All,
I also made the mistake of showing my full URL. My blog name is
It is for the new mom.
Oh, I have followed as many of you as I can for now. Facebook did not let me add any more for now for some reason.
Happy New Year to you.
For those of you who don’t yet own your own blog, PLEASE LISTEN to Connie and make it a priority in 2010 to say goodbye to free blogging platforms. I had the experience of a free WordPress blog being shut down on me — no advance notice, no explanation, no nothing. Poof! Gone. All my hard work vanished in an instant. Don’t let that happen to you.
Thanks to Connie’s business expertise and very wise advice, I now own
Thank You, Connie!
Thanks for checking that Connie. Not sure why they aren’t showing for you. The names above (Shawn Shearer’s Writing World & Shawniverse) are the names they are called on FB. The links ( & are the actual links to my pages, which have a FB widget on there to “follow this blog”.
In both cases, I actually have several blog categories, so I didn’t link to a particular blog, but rather to my landing pages, where blog categories are listed.
Does this help?
Will get to everyone’s blog soon. Trying to finish up a couple articles before joining some family snacking and then hopefully be able to catch sight of the Blue Moon that’s supposed to be in the sky tonight!
Thanks again, Connie. Let me know if you are still having any problems!
Merry Blue Moon!
I went over to both of your blogs and followed you there. Thank you.
Thanks so much for sharing your story. I want everyone to own their
blog so they can build a profitable online business.
Thanks Connie for the terrific guidance!
I added my blog to NetworkedBlogs on Facebook
Called: Big Girl Poker
Still waiting for enough people to confirm that I own the blog.
Please confirm.
Hey Connie! Cool idea…think I’ll join in on the fun! All about Rocky Mountain Living
and happy new year!
Mtn. Jim
Now following 36 Networked Blogs noted here in your post, Connie! Hoping 20 people will follow me back.
Unable to locate:
I spent the last couple hours following as many blogs as I could. So many great blogs on interesting topics. It was a treat.
I’m also grateful to each and every one of you who has chosen to follow – I appreciate your taking the time and effort. I now have 74 followers(!) Once I reached the 20 follower threshold, I saw my visitors count jump, so it is well worth the trouble.
One suggestion to make it easier to follow you. Post your URL without the http:// and the .com so that it reads “example” as opposed to That makes it easier to cut and paste into the NB search field correctly.
My best to all of you for a Happy and Successful New Year. ((Hugs))
Hiya, all! I’m on NetworkedBlogs, too, and my blog is called Quicksilver Crafter ( OR
Thanks for any follows, peace, and happy new year!
Thanks for putting this together. I will get my blogs of facebook tonight and will appreciate a follow, Thanks.
Give It A Thought,
Give It A Thought web site blog,
I just followed you, Crystal. Happy New Year to you, too.
I am now following David, Donna, Crystal, Jim, and Melanie.
on Networkedblogs My is blog called:
Internet Marketing for Your Local Business
Thanks Dale
Hi Connie – This is such a good idea! You’re already following my blog (The Time Finder), but I wanted to respond and say thanks … and share the url. I’ve added the Networked Blogs widget (thanks, Ellen Zucker!) at the bottom of my sidebar – makes it easier to follow. Happy New Year, everyone!
Hi Connie –
I added over 20 of these blogs from this to my follow list yesterday, and will add more today. I’m sitting at only 13-14 follows on my two blogs. I’d appreciate some additional posts through this networking effort. Hopefully, folks are going to reciprocate – since many more have posted here for help … than returned the favor. We’ll see, aye! In any case, thanks for putting us together!
Again, my blogs are: and
Many thanks in advance to those here who are really networking their support!
Happy New Year!
P.S. I had two blogs that I couldn’t not get to come up. They were: and http://www.loverockstarblog. I tried both 4-5 times, but no luck. FYI for these two folks to check their sites.
Life is not always fair or equal. This means that you must be diverse in your thinking and marketing. Ask your friends on Facebook to follow your blog if you only need 5 or 6 more people. Most of the people posting here are students in one of my programs, so they have that connection. Find a mentor and get involved in a marketing group. Let 2010 be the year you become profitable online.
Happy new year Connie. I have a Florida wildlife news blog at I will be checking out all blogs listed on this thread. Hope they all keep getting more followers. Thanks for letting me know about this. It’s news to me
I am now following your blog. Interesting topic! I lived in Florida for
a number of years.
Hello Everyone,
I’ve followed all the blogs that are available to this point.
If you have followed mine, I thank you. If you haven’t followed yet, I need 7 more follows to reach the goal of 20 by today.
By the way – my blog is valleofyellowcreekartstudioblog.
I have a blog about marketing professional services with online writing at
and another on Florida Do It Yourself Divorce at
Thanks for following. I’m catching up on some that I haven’t followed yet. You’re very interesting, smart folks.
Happy New Year to you all!
You can’t leave a shortened URL here if you want us to follow you.
We need to know the name of the blog.
I see what the problem is with the shortened link. The DIY Divorce blog is DIY Divorce in Florida.
Thanks Connie.
Happy New Year to everyone. This is a great idea – I’m nearly at my 20 followers, and more. I’m working my way through following everyone else, and am enjoying reading the blogs.
Can anyone tell me where to find the widget to add to my blog please – I can’t locate it.
Thanks very much for all the follows so far – any more still appreciated.
I see now – it’s because this is a Typepad blog and you have not mapped your domain yet.
The way to find it on Facebook’s Networked Blogs is to search for
Hiya again, all. I’ve followed a bunch of blogs from this thread, so keep ’em coming!
Still need a few more followers before I hit 20, but that’s okay. I’ll get there eventually.
Also, Connie, for some reason I can’t find THIS blog on Networked Blogs, although I can find your mailing list blog. What am I doing wrong?
You can follow my blog my putting in
Connie, I am so grateful for you, your big heart, and all that you teach online. And I mean it! Looking forward to many useful blogs. Wishing you the best of everything, Lindy
Happy New Year, everyone! =o)
Connie, this is fabulous ~ you have once again gone above and beyond in support of your students ~ thank you!!
So many blogs…so many GREAT blogs…I just went through and followed you all! There were a few that I couldn’t find (as already mentioned by others). If for some reason you notice that I didn’t follow your blog, please send me a message on facebook with your info and I will do so.
My blogs are now on Networked Blogs, and have fewer than 20 followers, so…if you are so moved… – search for inspiredhealthandharmony – search for musicloverslikeme
I haven’t done very much with either one yet, though this certainly inspires me ~ I have a list of topics to post, it’s just a matter of sitting down and writing! And Connie, I’m looking forward to learning more about WordPress from you beginning later this month… :o)
It’s wonderful to be on this journey with you all, and I look forward to connecting further!
With gratitude & blessings,
Thanks for your kind words.
I following both of your blogs now.
Connie– i’m very upset. thought it was just that i couldn’t get to my blog from MY computer with My URL. I CAN get to it by going to my back room . I’ve been adding and editing all along and then pinging it, and all seems well. It just seems to be MY LINK . What do you suggest i do.
I can’t imagine starting over, Ive put a lot of work into it
I do teach all of this. We start the 12 week Incubator
class on Tuesday –
I followed up on this right after I received the email last night. I have 2 blogs that I would like to have followers. is a site for healthy weight and health issues for us Baby Boomer Women. is a site for living life with and esoteric and healing perspective.
Thanks Connie,
blessings, Mary Pat
Hi Connie-It’s Linda again. Well it turns out i have been typing blogSTOP instead of SPOT.duh!
My blog link is I would appreciate it if you could help me get the 20 followers thanks
Make 2010 the year you own your own blog. Right now Google owns it
and can remove it at any time. Present yourself in a professional way
and you will have a better chance of making some money online.
I offer training to help you with this.
Dear Connie,
Thanks for this great opportunity. Sorry if you’ve received my comment before because this is the third time I’m submitting it as it doesn’t show or state that is waiting for moderation. I hope you do get it this time. It’s taken me a while to respond due to problems on fb with my browser. I’m following you and many of the other`readers now on the networked blog. My blogs are: and
Thanks to everyone here who reciprocate.
Best wishes to everyone for a great 2010.
You all can get a Thank you e-calendar of Aussie wild birds at ://
Warmest Regards
Hi Connie,
2009 was a very challenging year for me both personally and professionally.
I lost a lot of momentum and motivation over the past 6 months, during the illness and passing of my mother.
I am however regrouping and ready to move forward with my entrepreneurial plans.
I believe 2010 will be my year of greatness.
Thank you for all your help and encouragement.
Gather Greatness
Bill, losing a parent is very difficult, my condolences. Be sure to follow Bill’s blog gathergreatness
Hi Connie, thanks for the offer. Here’s my Magical Marketing Blog (all about Law of Attraction and marketing) on Blogger: Doing your 30 day challenge here…!
I have it replicated on WordPress at and will eventually use this as the main blog.
Gitie – I am now following both of your blogs.
Bill – so glad you are with us again. I am following your blog.
Julia – I couldn’t find it on Networked Blogs using that name.
Julia, I couldn’t find your blogs either.
Hi Connie, I have just watched your video and registered my blog. I am a Law of Attraction Life Coach and DreamTender, and love this idea! The URL is Thanks for the great information!
Kind Regards, Bambi Corso
This is Dr. Taliaferro’s blog
Bambi – I am now following your blog.
Kathy – I could not locate this blog on Facebook’s Networked Blogs application.
Wow! You guys owe me big time.
I got through the WHOLE list. And everyone got 5 stars, too!!
On networked blogs at FaceBook, I still need followers for SimplePainRelief and for SimpleStrengthening
I truly appreciate everyone’s efforts! I see that lots of the blogs now have lots of followers and some are just getting started toward the bottom of the list.
Peeps I couldn’t find your blog on networked blogs: Julia, Deb Maybury, Andy Dolph, Bonnie-Joomla, Yvonne Brown (the first blog), Linda Basta. Ellen – I didn’t find Celestial Currents.
Mike Sammi – There is a website where you can go and upload your photo and then it will show up almost everywhere like this when you comment. But I cannot at the moment think of the name of the site. Hopefully Connie will respond to your question.
It took me a few days to get to, but I’ve followed just about everyone I could find. Thanks to everyone who jumped aboard before I could back to you.
Just FYI, there are several that either weren’t listed or don’t have a FB widget on their site to follow. If I’m not following you, this would be the reason. If you can get it fixed and follow me, I’ll follow you back for sure!
Thanks again Connie. Onwards and upwards – or as we trumpet players like to say – Higher, Faster, Louder! =D
Thanks for your time and persevereance with this. You will achieve success
with this type of work ethic.
Mike Sammi – It’s called Gravatar.
Connie – finished the 30 articles in 30 days!
I have 14 followers for Networked Blogs on Facebook, I need 6 more. I would appreciate your help. I’ve followed everyone that I could locate on this list. If you get it fixed, follow me and I will follow you back.
If you could either put the title you have it under in FB, or stick the FB network blog widget on your site, that would help us find you. Right now, when you hit “go to blogs with 20 followers or less” with your blog link, your blog title, or your name, it just sends you to your Web page or says it’s not found.
This is a problem I’ve had with several blogs listed here. We need your FB networked name (like Shawniverse) or you need a widget on your Web site in the sidebar, footer, or somewhere to link to your FB network (see
Hope this helps!
Hi All,
I have come back and followed all of the new comers and those I still had left of the list to follow. Also want to thank those of you that have followed me back.
My blog name is
Hi! My blog’s name is Tina Picard Photography and my URL is
Follow me and I will follow back!
I just set up my Facebook fan page and configured Networked Blogs for it. There’s a widget at
Connie, thanks for the video. It was helpful in getting started.
HI Connie – great idea with the blogging challenge – I accept :0)
here is my Blog:
the Name of it is “Business Growth Tips for Entrepreneurs”
Thanks for the follow!
kind regards,
Hi Connie,
Your comment on my blog yesterday reminded me that you had made this video, which I watched again this morning. I just went into Facebook and registered my blog, and it’s now pending authentication. The URL is : and my Facebook user name is : yvonneajones.
Over the next few days I will be visiting each site listed in the Comments above and make sure I’m following everyone’s blog. Any problems, I’ll post. Thanks for always being a Caring Mentor!
Hi Paula,
I’m not sure when your comment was posted that you needed 6 more followers. I went to Facebook Networked Blogs immediately and looked in “…under 20 followers” and “…over 20 followers” but got the response that Blog could not be found. Perhaps I’m doing something incorrectly? Will check back here for any updates.
I apologize for having a third posting but I just found out by checking on my blog that if the NAME of your blog is not the same as the URL, you must enter the NAME for it to be found in Networked Blogs. The name of my blog is “Maintain a Success Circle in Direct Sales & Relationship Marketing” at If you enter just Maintain a Success Circle it will be found. Thank you.
I now see that’s the point Shawn made earlier as well.
Thank you so much for helping ot with followers etc. I do not remember setting my previous blog being such a pain. Thank you again.