Specialized niche affiliate marketing is an excellent way to build up a residual income stream for yourself on the Internet. It is not passive income, because you do have to set it all up and get it working correctly until it begins to bring in money. Then you can leave it alone and move on to your next project. This is very attractive for us working online, so I will tell you more about it here.
A specialized niche is a tiny segment of a larger market. For example, copywriting and article marketing are both specialized niches within the broader Internet marketing niche. Scrapbooking and knitting would fall within the home crafts niche. You get the idea. By focusing on these smaller markets you are able to reach the exact people who are searching for information on what they want to achieve. You notice I said searching for information, because I am not talking about selling physical products in this way. You certainly could sell books, DVD’s, scrapbooking supplies, knitting needles, and yarn, but that is another type of online business that I am not addressing here.
The first thing you will want to do, after you have selected the area you want to work in, is to do your keyword research. I use the free keyword tool provided by Google, and you can find it by simply typing in “keyword tool” (you don’t need the quotation marks) over at the Google search engine. This will show you all of the keyword phrases people are typing in when they are looking for very specific information on that particular topic. When we search for exact words and phrases we are most likely in buying mode, so that is your goal with this information.
Next, set up a blog to talk about your chosen niche. This should be a hosted WordPress blog for best results. Write about your topic, and share valuable tips and information with your readers. Finally, choose an information product on this niche topic to recommend to your new audience. I like to search on Clickbank’s engine site (I have a lifetime membership here, but you can start with a free trial to make sure you’re going to use it) to find the best product to promote. You can do this again and again to continue to add more residual income streams to your business.
I know how to do this Connie, it is simple, and profitable, so why don’t I do it? Got me! that’s why I need you to keep drumming on me till I listen.