Now that I’m more successful online, I am often asked what it’s like to be an overnight success. I say that it’s fantastic, but it took many nights. You see, almost no one achieves success online that quickly. Instead, it is based on a solid business model and hard work.
Yes, it’s been fun to make the journey from where I was in 2005 to where I am today. I jumped fearlessly into internet marketing, never even considering that I might not do well. I looked at the people who were already online and learned from them – both what to do and what not to do. I’ve made some great friends along the way, as well as angering a couple who tried to take advantage of my gentle nature. That was just part of the ride.
Now that I’m in Armand Morin’s group I have a sense of family that I enjoy. We meet throughout the year in different cities across the country and mastermind our ideas and goals for the future. This has helped me to jump far ahead of where I was just a year ago, so I am very grateful to Armand and the others for their support.
If you are thinking about how you can build a mid 6 figure a year business, just know that if I can do it, you can do it. I have no special talent or skill, and came online with no business background. The only advice I would give you is to be yourself and be willing to work hard to achieve your dreams. Never, never give up and eventually you will be an overnight success as well.
Hi Connie,
Your articles are inspirational. I appreciate them. I’m going to a seminar with James Malinchak this coming week, and after that I’d like to invite you to coffee to get to know you better. Carl Goldman speaks very highly of you.
Judith Cassis
You just gave the best business advice available. Never give up. The biggest reason most internet and network marketers fail is that they give up as soon as it’s get a little tough. Thanks for sharing your success story.
I embrace and delight in your refreshing honesty, Connie, in driving home the point that no one has success overnight in internet marketing. Your personal story gives everyone a big chunk of hopefulness and encouragement.
I reside in the Glendale area – a hop, skip, and a jump from the Santa Clarita Valley. Shucks! – we’re practically next door neighbors. 🙂 I would absolutely love to get on the phone and have a little chat with you one of these days. What do ya say?
Alex Mondossian says you can become an overnight success in just 3 years! I guess you have proved him right Connie!