As I was coaching Helen Raptoplous last week as a part of our 10K Laser Coaching program, she shared how she had not been as successful as she had hoped during the launch of a program she had created. When we took a closer look, it turned out that she had not done enough in terms of creating a timeline of when she would launch and everything she would do leading up to that day.
It’s so important to plan out what you will be doing for at least 30 days, even when you are just starting out. This means that you will decide the day to launch a new product, membership site, live event, or anything else you are working on, and then work backwards to schedule out the marketing activities that can make it more successful. Remember that marketing encompasses 60-80% of your time, so that is where the focus needs to be.
Choose just one of the products you promote to see how this works. Pick a date at least two weeks in the future that will be your ‘launch date’. Then work backwards, writing down everything you will do to promote the product, including article marketing, teleseminars, paid advertising, emails to your list, social media, and anything else you include in your marketing on a regular basis. Then you will be ready to do this for all of your products and services. You will find that using a marketing schedule is beneficial and effective.
Yes indeed! Success really does not happen on the fly. Preparation and planning are key for a successful launch! You are the marketing madwoman and we can all learn a little something about setting our schedule by the 60-80% marketing rule! That is a huge! That means 6-8 hours of every 10 need to be spent on your 5 pronged approach!
I’d add more thoughts… but I have some articles to write, calls to schedule, social media posts to update….. and much much more!!
Thank you for being such an inspirational role-model!!
P.S Oh, and learning from mistakes is a great teacher too.. if we pay attention and GET the message!!
Great point Connie. Planning is a huge part to making a launch work. Few people are as transparent as Helen. You teach well, she is achieving AMAZING results! Great student, great teacher.
It has been a pleasure AND a big help to follow along your 10K Laser Coaching with Helen. The trick is to then take the steps necessary to make course corrections and to implement new ideas and suggestions. Thank you for making this available to us.
Thanks Connie and Helen for sharing your marketing expertise and experiences so openly. Yes, getting used to planning out events online as if they were life events is extremely important. It helps to have a solid structure that keeps us focused on what we need to do to succeed. I have learned so much from you about planning success instead of hoping for it. Thank you for being such an inspiration!
Connie, love the site and the post. I hope your health, your Mom and your business are the best this year.
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