My travels through the Central Coast region of California continue. Yesterday I visited both an ostrich ranch and a llama and alpaca farm. This area is also home to more than 50 wineries, and they are best known for their Pinot Noirs.
I visited the Fortino Winery today, which has been run by the same family for four generations.
When I stop along the way I always find a place to sit and read for an hour or so. I find this to be an excellent way to learn more, and to remind myself how fortunate I am to be living this ‘Laptop Lifestyle’.
On this trip I am rereading Your Portable Empire: How To Make Money Anywhere By Doing
What You Love by Pat O’Bryan. I first read this book when it came out in 2007, and it really helped me to move forward in both my thinking and my actions.You can take a look at Pat’s author page and see what else he has written.
Your Portable Empire is the first book on that page, and if you scroll down you will see that I am a co-author on two of his more recent books. That’s right, in less than four years I went from reading Pat’s book to co-authoring books with him. Pat also wrote a foreword for my first book and is contributing a chapter to the book I am currently writing with Geoff Hoff.
It all begins with reading someone’s book, so I recommend that you take a look and then do your own search for the books you will read this month. I order two or three every month so I don’t have to pay extra foe shipping, and this ensures that I always have something new to read.
What are you reading? I’d love to hear which books and authors are changing your life.
Hi Connie,
Right now, I am finishing up my re-read of The Slight Edge — since I am a part time entrepreneur, this book has really helped me focus on doing the things that matter most.
After that, I will be reading a book by some lady named Connie Ragen Green, called Huge Profits with a Tiny List 🙂
Hi Connie,
I am just finishing the book Start your Internet Business 36 Things You Need To Know Now…have you heard of that book? lol
Then I’m going to read Unleashing the Ideavirus by Seth Godin.
Happy Reading!
Hi Connie, You gotta love Gilroy, the only place I know where you can get Garlic Ice Cream.
I am reading:
Bedside: The Druids – by Peter Berresford Ellis
For Learning: I have, next to my computer,
The Best of Marlon Sanders
Money From Anywhere by Pat O’Bryan
Perpetual Motion Money Machine, and
Targeted Traffic Techniques for Affiliate Marketers
The last four are an ongoing study, not just this month. I pick one and try to spend about an hour a day with it.
And now, with what you gave me last night,(The Copy System)I think I have my hands full. I do need to spend a few hours writing articles for the blog.
I’m currently reading:
Influence, The Psychology of Persuasion
By Robert Cialdini, Ph.D
The book essentially discusses the theories of why people comply. I’m about halfway through it and I find the book to be very enlightening.
I would suggest it as a good read for anyone whose intent is to persuade others… as well as anyone who has ever found themselves automatically saying “yes” to an offer and then wondering later on why they did such a thing.
Hey Connie you were in my neck of the woods! I came across your post and had to thank you again for meeting me in while traveling through the Central Coast of California. It was such a pleasure.
I just finished your book, “Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing – How to Build an Online Empire by Recommending What You Love”
I really enjoyed all your wonderful stories of the people you met along your journey and how affiliate marketing has been such a huge success. I dabbled in affiliate markting a few years ago. Made some money, but wanted to get a business of my own. Now that I have, you inspired me to get back into affiliate marketing. I am even mentoring our son who read a portion of your book over Thanksgiving!
Looking forward to touching base with you again soon.