Developing a marketing strategy for positioning yourself in your particular niche will be crucial to your success. Think of it as a way to set up a system that will work over and over again. The idea is to let people know exactly what you do and what you have to offer them so they will know if you are a good match for their needs. Here are some marketing tips that will show you how to use social media to get the word out, promote yourself for the best positioning possible, and repurpose everything you do so that your business will be able to grow exponentially.
Social media marketing has changed the landscape of doing business forever. Even people with brick and mortar businesses are jumping on board to learn if and how they can attract new clients using this technique. If you think of the social media sites, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, as the opportunity for you to create a community of people interested in what you have to offer, you will see how this can work well with the marketing you already have in place. Let people know who you serve in your business, and find out more about what they want and need that you could offer.
Think of positioning as what you do to make yourself indispensible in the marketplace. This involves looking closely at a small slice of what you know and creating a part of your business that addresses that smaller niche. I did this with eBooks when I first came online. For about a year I was a major player in this area, and then I jumped into the Internet marketing niche as a whole. This gave me the chance to position myself as an expert in a narrow niche before moving into a larger area.
Repurposing everything that you write or do will give you as much content as you need to build up your credibility and visibility on the Internet. Remember that people have different learning styles, and also that they like to consume their information in different formats at different times.
Work on positioning yourself exactly as you wish to be perceived, and you will be able to build the business you are dreaming of within a relatively short period of time.
As usual great tips. I love the reminder about repurposing – I intend to repurpose my posts from the 30 day blog challenge to add to one (or more) of my products. And hopefully also they will fall into both tip sheets and handout checklist type things. I realized that I could do that as I wrote the last of the 30 over this past weekend (still have to schedule them).
I also like your comment about taking a small slice of what I know and working that into an even smaller niche.
Thanks again Connie – always on point as they say
Great post Connie! This really gets you asking yourself, “What is it about me, that makes ME indispensable to my niche?” “What can I put on the table that people would miss if I were to go away?”
Those questions also help you to provide even MORE value to your audience, which I think ultimately is what separates those who are successful from those who are not.
I’m going to go back and re-look at my resources, see which one’s are indispensable, and see how I can improve my existing resources to make them that way.
Thanks for the thought-provoking post!
Jonathan – if you look at what you do that helps someone to take
the next step in their progress, you will be on the right track.
Instead of the ‘get rich quick’ idea, teach them how to get rich
slowly, using principles that work.