When I started blogging back in 2005, I knew that no one was reading my posts. I just kept at it, and slowly developed a following. Today it is very different. Thanks to Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, and other sites, people who are interested in your topic can easily find your blog.
The important thing is to keep at it. That is why I am challenging you to make 30 posts to your blog over the next 30 days. Each post must be at least 100 words long, and you can post twice in a day if you miss a day. You can also write several posts in advance and set your blog to publish them in the future. This feature is especially good if you are working at a job and have a limited amount of time for your online business.
Follow me on Twitter and let me know how you’re doing. I will give you tips and suggestions on how to keep your posts interesting. We will use the hash tag #powerblog, and you can follow the conversation by going to a site such as TweetChat.com.
If you meet the challenge, let me know by May 6 and I will publish your name and blog URL here on my blog on May 7. This should be great for increasing your traffic, bringing you more prospects, and it will be fun!
Okay I am in and would like to do this challenge. I will have to prepost though because I have a job…2 jobs, 6 days a week.
Funny how words look so different depending on how you write them. For example the above statement applies to the fact that I am a 4th grade teacher and a high school track coach working 6 days a week until May.
Bring it on.
Connie This is just what I need. A good challenge to make me get up and at ’em. Count me in. 🙂
I need a challenge to motivate me. Let’s see where this goes.
Hi Connie,
Sounds good!
I’m currently developing a new blog, but am not setting the intention to get blogging NOW…..I’ve not been consistent enough with my writing and blogging and appreciate this challenge!
BTW….I have enjoyed many of your teleclasses….usually while I’m on the elliptical at the gym!
Hi Connie – Yes, I am in! This is the perfect way for me to begin my new website content and fill it out with substance before officially launching. Thanks so much!
Does this count if you have a post you set for every day of the week and does it have to be a typical blog as I do a daily devotional…the challenge will be for me to do it on the weekends but I could break down some of my articles and do that or post some of the prayers I have been wanting to do…let me know…blessings Brenda
I can do this! I’m in!
I was planning on doing my own challenge, but this is much better! I just saw this today, so I am already behind, but hope to catch up soon! Thanks Connie!
Yes, I am in too…apart from getting back to writing in my neglected blog, what must I do?
Great idea! Count me in!
Thanks for the challenge, Connie. This may be exactly what I need to focus on content and constancy.
I’m already following you on Twitter, so I’ll check in with you there. And after the 30 days, I’ll let you know I’ve met the challenge.
Yes, I am in too…apart from getting back to writing in my neglected blog, what must I do?
Glad to see so many of you coming aboard. Be sure to connect with me on Twitter (I’m @conniegreen) so that I can promote your blog to my 10,000+ followers.
Connie Ragen Green
Hi Connie, I am in with my Prosperity’s 12 Affirmations blog (http://www.prosperingtimes.com/blog). This will be fun… I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope… 🙂
Hi Connie
I’m in with dailyscrewups.com – already following you on twitter and am looking forward to the outcome. Good Luck Everyone.
Celebrate Life Always!
Hi Connie,
Count me in!
I’m also doing the 100 Articles in 100 Days challenge (http://www.100Articles100Days.com) and so I’ll be
creating a lot of content over the next few months.
Best wishes
Hi Connie
My problem is that I blog for a number of clients and as a result I have been neglecting my own blog. This challenge will help me kick-start my personal blogging.
Hey Connie,
Count me in. This will be a challenge indeed since I’ll be out of the country for 10 days. Kudos to you all and happy blogging! I know we can do this. 😉
Hi Connie, I’m in. I want to start posting short pieces instead of waiting until I write a long piece that takes me a while to write. This is a great challenge to get me thinking this way.
Thanks for the push 🙂
I am in with my Anxiety site http://thehatchedegg.blogspot.com/ and http://www.thehatchedegg.com.
Thanks for keeping us motivated.
OK Connie, You’re on. I’ll be blogging on Twitter and Facebook. It’s about time I learned more about blogging!
Hi Connie,
What a great challenge and as some else said, it is the kick in the pants I needed. I am already following you on Twitter will check in with you there.
Wow!! I am definitely up for the challenge!!
Hi Connie,
I’m in! Great idea. I plan to promote to my http://BlogCreationWorkshop.com students and on Twitter. I appreciate you leading the way! Now, to my blog post for today!
P.S. Just did my first post … yeay!
I’m going to give this a shot. It will get me focused on writing again. Thanks, Connie. I’ll check in with you in 30 days.
Hi Connie,
I’M IN… and have been working on this one – it is a great way … thanks for being the leader of the pack. I’m delighted to have connected with you and your expertise.
The Feng Shui Queen
Hi Connie
I’m in on the http://www.livebywalking.com. I will make a commitment to post everyday for 30 days. I follow you on Twitter – you are the one that got me started on Twitter so you were only of my earlier follows. Thank you for creating challenges for us. I will do my best.
Well if I’m going to be an example of what I believe and what I tell my coaching clients you can count me in. Thanks once again Connie for your excellent modelling. Zed’s Blog. Spectrum of Wealth can be found at http://MyMoneyDoctors.com/public/department32.cfm
Hi Connie –
This is great! Exactly what I need to develop my content – thanks for the push and opportunity!!! I’m in baby!
Sherri NIckols
Okay Connie, which day did it start? So I need 30 by May 6th then is the gist of it? I SO need to up my game on blogging, but seem to hit the proverbial writer’s block more than I care to admit. Hopefully this will get me out of that slump! 😀
Hello from beautiful Montana:
Got up early this morning to write on my blog and then found this post from Connie. I always write a birthday letter to myself and so decided to do it on the blog instead. Enjoy at http://www.AskAuntieArtichoke.com
In love and gratitude,
Judy H. Wright aka Auntie Artichoke
Hey Connie
You have a great idea here…
I am surprised at how few comments I actually have for my blogs… This is going to be a great way for me to learn to get better at blogging! Thanks again for your unique encouragement. I am really looking forward to getting to know you better!
Warm wishes,
What a great idea! Thank-you.
I am in with http://www.womens-transformation.com/women-blog.html
Hey Connie…. Yes… Same.. I need this to get going… a challenge. Thanks this will be helpful, fun and great networking…. appreciate you!
Hey Connie, I am in. Saw this on Facebook and got started. Already had some in the hopper after the last mentee call I attended.
Your challenges are pertintent and well timed. Do you have a webcam in my head. You seem to know what is needed when.
I am on with this, Damn the Torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead!
Hi Connie,
yes, I’m in too.
I’m going to post on my self help blog http://www.MyFavoriteSelfHelpStuff.com, and I’m thinking that maybe a daily posting regime might also revive my sadly neglected web stuff blog 😉 http://www.myfavoritewebstuff.com
So I’m going to post to bogh of them. Ihave a third blog, but it’s more like a website and I don’t want that many posts on there or else the information I want to keep visible will scroll off the screen altogether. http://www.LinguisticLeverage.com
Thanks for the inspiration!
I’m going to give this a go. Thanks for the challenge!
OK Connie, You have guilted me into it, I will start being a better blogger.
Ok Connie,
Count me in, too! There are so many painful syndromes and aches & pains to cover, that I won’t have any problem coming up with content for http://www.SimplePainRelief.com You are a tough task master (in a nice kind of way) but very much needed.
Hi Connie,
I’m in !!!
To date, I am still attempting to chrystalize my unique life offering and subsequent target audience, so as to be able to:
1. help as many people as I can, and
2. to begin a successful online business.
The 30 day challenge is a great idea to get me started, and help me to keep moving forward.
I believe that my committment to regular blogging will be the answer to attracting to myself all the people I desire.
Thank you for your continual support,
Great Connie – just what I need to get me into the flow of writing daily. I’m in.
Hey Connie,
Am definitely in.
Quite a coincidence that the same day I received your email was the same day I was setting up my blog, so this is just what I needed.
Yes, I am in for the challenge.
I’d like to be connected to a community of people.
Thanks very much for doing this!
I am in.. Great Idea
Well Wahhootie, Count me in! Let’s have some fun! What a blast to grow up and still be able to have such fun with internet friends! Lets grow the success! Cheryl G
Count me in Connie, did 2 blog posts today.
I am a freelance writer and copy editor.
I have two blogs about freelance writing, one for kids and about animals.
I also maintain two blogs for AllBook Reviews.
I have a blog where I post book reviews that authors ask me to do.
The last blog is the one on my website.
This is great and ties in well with Darrens 31 days to abetter blog,,
Maybe i will actually write every day
Hi Connie,
Thanks to Jolene for this suggestion…I’m a few days late, but luckily I posted yesterday, so that will count! Sounds like fun! I’m using my blog at http://www.findtheperfectjob.blogspot.com.
Any suggestions for content are greatly appreciated! Thanks for the challenge!
Claudia Loens
Count me in…I am behind the curve by a few days…but I will catch up…I like this idea and great motivation to get those blog posts finished and posted. Thanks Connie for the nudge!
Hi Connie,
Glad to be on board with your challenge. Great timing for my new blog, Sedona Readers. It is a new blog still putting it together and a couple of other blogs that will be up soon.
Look forward to networking with some of the other people in your following.
Hello Connie,
I am a full time nurse and would like to get out of nursing as I hate the shift work. I like writing and have just taken an e-book course and am thinking about what to write about for an e-book.
This blog challenge will get me started on writing about things I’m passionate about such as my cats or things I have a lot of helpful knowledge in.
I know on your teleseminar you didn’t recommend WordPress but I don’t want to sign up for a paid site right now when I’m working full time and just getting started, so I signed up with wordpress for this contest. Since I just signed up today, I wrote 6 blogs so far. So I don’t lose all my content I will copy and paste it into word and save it on my computer.
I will eventually have a website of my own as I am taking Christina Hills Website creation Workshop using wordpress but I am way behind in it. I will register for it again in the fall as an alumni. I want to have my own WordPress website when I know what I’m doing.
Thank you so much for putting on this contest as it will get me motivated to blog. If you could get out of teaching, then I can get out of nursing.
I’m on twitter @averythurman but am new to it and I don’t understand the hash tag # powerblog thing. Is the # the hash tag?
Thanks again and happy blogging.
Avery Thurman
I’ve been slow in getting my blog going so this is spurring me on. Thanks for the incentive, Connie.
This is a great challenge. Really gets you disciplined and can only help whatever it is you are doing.
So, Connie are you saying that perhaps if you write it, they will read??
Well Connie, I’m in.
I’ve been blogging everyday since Apr 5th and I’ll have to get ahead by 5 blogs since I’ll be away. But it can be done.
Hello, Connie —
What a great offer. Thanks a bunch!
Listened to you last week on Twitter Tuesday and followed you immediately. Thanks for reciprocating. I’m retired from teaching in California also. Identified with most of your post ed experimenting.
This is my year to finally monetize significantly. Have already started on the articles and will do 2 or three blog posts a day to make the May deadline.
Connie, I jumped into the challenge a bit late….like April 17….was out of town and started when I got back to my office. Now dedicated to a daily post and haven’t missed a day since the 17th.
I also signed up for your teleclass program. Sounds like it will be a great support. I’ve really enjoyed your classes and have learned so much.
Thank you for offering such a rich program for a very reasonable cost….or should I say a ridiculously low price!!
I just love what you are teaching and really appreciate you sharing your wisdom with the world. I am a big fan!
Hi guys,
I know this might be a bit off topic but seeing that a bunch of you own websites, where would the best place be to host? Someone recommended I use http://bluehostsolutions.com for $6.95 a month which seems like a great deal. Anyone here using them?
Mike – Yes, I love http://bluehostsolutions.com (my link) and recommend
them highly for anyone who needs c-panel hosting at a reasonable price.
Hi Connie,
Is it possible to talk to you in person? I have questions about your “How to Market for Small Business” course and where I might fit into it.
I’m in Portland, Oregon, and my phone is 503-247-3098. I’d also be happy to call you, if you can send me your number.
Thank you.