The Productivity Challenge 2017
Welcome to your Productivity Challenge 2017! For the seventh year in a row I am offering this training at no cost in order to serve you as an online entrepreneur. Are you ready?
Download a PDF of the Entire Productivity Challenge for 2017!
You are in for the ride of your life, so come aboard and buckle up!
Day 1: Productivity for Entrepreneurs – Think about what you want to achieve by becoming more productive. Are you building a business as an online entrepreneur? Are you writing a book? Write down your goals so that you will have more clarity and focus during the next thirty days. I will share my goals for this Productivity Challenge 2017 – the first one is to finish writing my next book, Rethinking the Work Ethic: Embrace the Struggle to Exceed Your Own Potential. As of today I have my notes and outline and have written six thousand words. The second goal is to create and deliver the most helpful and complete thirty day productivity challenge I have ever done since starting this back in 2011.
Day 2: Where is Your Main Site? Your hosted WordPress blog/site will become your “home on the internet”. Make every effort to buy your name as a domain, even if you need to do what I did and add a middle name. If not, choose a phrase you will brand as your own, like I did with my second main site at Huge Profits Tiny List. And using “dot com” is crucial. Where can we find your main blog/site? Please tell us more about what you have set up in the comments below.
Day 3: Which Business Model Are You Pursuing? Here are some that you may want to consider. I began with affiliate marketing, quickly added marketing for small businesses, and now enjoy all of these:
- Affiliate Marketing
- Small Business Marketing
- Information Products
- Niche Sites
- Authorship/Blogging/Publishing
- Online Courses
- Physical Products on Amazon
- Coaching/Mentoring/Consulting
My recommendation is that you begin with one or two of these models and have some success before moving on to another model.
Please leave a comment below and let me know which business model(s) you are working on right now.
Day 4: What is Your Message? This question make take you some time to ponder and work out. During my first year online I determined that my message was directed at people who were in jobs and careers that no longer served them and was that “everyone must have additional sources of income”. Even if someone wants to stay at their job, it is best to have multiple streams of income so that you are not dependent upon a job that may not see you through the years you need to be working.
What is YOUR message?
Day 5: What are You Working on TODAY? Figure out when your most productive time of day is (I refer to this as your Prime Time hours)and then schedule the time to work on no more than three items that day. Only one of these should be a big project, while the other two will be much smaller ones. For example, today I am working on my new book (I’ll hit ten thousand words today!) as my big project, and work on the next session of my Really Simple Email Marketing course and outline the remainder of this thirty day Productivity Challenge 2017 as my two smaller projects.
What are YOU working on today? Leave a comment with the details below.
Day 6: Google yourself! Use quotation marks around your name to eliminate any results that come up that could be irrelevant to you. The idea here is to make sure your main sites and anything you do as a part of your business come up first. You will find that social media sites tend to dominate your page one Google results, so take that as a challenge to put more effort into your main sites that you own and control. Blogging regularly will make a difference, as will podcasting, creating information products, and teaching online courses.
What other questions may I answer for you on this important topic?
Day 7: Your Digital Assets – Make a list of the assets you already have for your business. These would include:
- All domains you own
- Your hosting account (visit my Resources page to see what I recommend)
- Your blog(s)
- All products, courses, books you have created
- Articles, short reports, and white papers you’ve written
- Your podcast(s)
- Your channel on YouTube
- Physical product inventory you own
- PLR (private label rights) content you have purchased
- All Resale Rights products and courses you own
- Affiliate recommendations to other people’s products, services, courses, etc.
- Your own affiliate program
- Coaching/Mentor programs you run
- Live events, conferences, or workshops you host
Now I did not create all of these overnight, and neither will you. By making a list of your current digital assets you can have a much better idea of the goals you want to reach over time as an online entrepreneur.
Day 8: Your Health as an Entrepreneur – Today is about your health. As an online entrepreneur you may find that you are spending more time in front of your computer and less time taking care of yourself. This happened to me during my first year online because I didn’t pay enough attention to taking care of myself. I ended up gaining weight and feeling tired and run down. Now I do things differently to stay on track. And it makes me more productive as well! Here are the things to think about every single day:
- Staying hydrated – be sure to drink enough water each day to stay hydrated and clear-minded. I prefer alkaline water and drink almost no other beverages. The popular “8 by 8” Rule tells us to drink eight 8 ounce glasses of water each day, but there are other things to take into consideration, such as your body weight, your local climate, and your level of exercise.
- Getting enough exercise – walking for thirty to sixty minutes each day will make a huge difference in how you feel. I carry small weights while I am walking to give myself an even better workout. There is no right or wrong way to exercise; keep moving your body each day and increase your activity over time.
- Meditation/Prayer/Quiet Time – spending about thirty minutes each day to clear your mind and to become focused will change your life forever. During this time each day you will be reminded of why you are seeking this path in your life and get new ideas and insight into how you will bring about the changes that will make the most difference.
- Eating the right foods – I got into some pretty poor eating habits as a new entrepreneur. Think about what you will eat and don’t get into any habits that will slow you down while you build your business.
- Sleep – I used to joke that I was going to have insomnia but slept right through it until I began to have difficulty falling asleep. Now I am once again able to sleep about seven and a half hours each night and feel refreshed when I wake up. I will never take a good night’s sleep for granted again.
What is your daily routine when it comes to drinking water, exercising, having some quite time, eating, and sleeping? I’d love to hear some details about what is working for you.
Day 9: What is your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) ? In other words, what makes you stand out from the crowd and how is what you have to offer different from everyone else doing something similar in their business? This was a tough one for me to figure out in the beginning, but it soon became clear that my USP would be based on my life experiences and perspective on the world. My USP is that anyone can become a successful online entrepreneur by becoming a mentor and trusted advisor to those they wish to help, and by creating and recommending the products, courses, and services that will help to expedite this process. My competitive edge is that I use storytelling and my experiences as a classroom teacher in everything I do in my online business.
What is your unique selling proposition?
Day 10: Writing and Publishing a Book – In modern times it has never been easier to publish a book than it is right now. When I first realized this fact in 2010 I put together my book Huge Profits with a Tiny List: 50 Ways to Use Relationship Marketing to Increase Your Bottom Line and changed my life and my business forever. This book was based on fifty blog posts I had written, along with an introduction, a summary and conclusion, and some additional content I put together on my topic. Since then I have written a dozen more full length books and am currently writing my fifteenth book, Rethinking the Work Ethic: Embrace the Struggle and Exceed Your Highest Potential (I’m at fourteen thousand words today, so I’m almost at the halfway point!) and this one will be published by Hunter’s Moon Publishing during June of 2017.
Writing regularly, whether on a blog, with articles, or in some other fashion is what will set you apart from everyone else trying to make a name for themselves in your niche as an online entrepreneur. Writing and publishing a book will take you to a level that allows you to write your own ticket in life and in business forever. How may I help you to achieve this goal during 2017?
You are one third of the way through the Productivity Challenge 2017! Go YOU!
Day 11: What Does Productivity Mean to You? – Years ago I worked as a classroom teacher while simultaneously running my real estate business. This was in addition to my responsibilities to my family members, friends, and with some work I was involved with in my community. If you had asked me back then if I felt that I was productive each day I might have said yes.
But over time we level up in our personal lives and in business, and looking back upon that time in my life I was not very productive at all and could have done so much more in the same amount of hours.
These days I have a set routine that works for me…
I start at approximately six thirty each morning with a quiet time of reflection and meditation/prayer. This centers me and reminds me of my purpose in life.
By seven I am at my computer writing. Currently I’m working on a new book (almost at sixteen thousand words today!) and also I write posts for my two main blogs, emails to my list, as well as articles for offline publications. I write for at least an hour five days each week. The days depend upon my travel schedule and other activities I am involved in.
Then I take a break for about thirty minutes to regroup and re-energize before continuing.
I spend another hour with product and course creation. I always have a product in the works so that my community can look forward to learning more from/with me.
By now it is ten o’clock, so I read and answer some emails, think about other projects I’m involved in, and decide whether I need to spend any more time writing or creating that morning. If I have a webinar scheduled for that afternoon I review my notes and/or slides for that presentation.
Now I am finished for the day, feeling very productive and ready to go about the business of living my “real” life, which I’m thrilled to tell you does not require an internet connection!
What is your daily routine? Do you feel like you are productive, or do you need assistance with being more effective with your time?
Day 12: Getting Back to the Basics – I have long been a proponent of keeping everything in my life and business as simple as possible, and that includes getting back to the basics on a regular basis. In 2015 I published a book called Book.Blog.Broadcast. The Trifecta of Entrepreneurial Success and in it I explained how to get your business off to a running start by getting back to the basics of blogging, writing a book, and hosting a podcast. These three marketing pieces work in combination to bring the world to you through writing and speaking about your niche topic.
In the beginning this started out for me with my blog, and soon I added weekly free teleseminars. Eventually I began writing full length books and podcasting. Later I added a YouTube channel and webinars. Currently I’m in the process of setting up a brand new podcast you will be hearing about very soon. I will recommend and encourage you to get your name and message out to the world with your writing and speaking.
What questions may I answer for you in regards to getting back to the basics of blogging, authorship, and podcasting?
Day 13: Your Prime Time Hours Each Day – As a part of the Productivity Challenge 2017 I want to revisit a topic that I believe to be so important to our lives and businesses as entrepreneurs. Even though I still do not consider myself to be a “morning person”, there is no doubt that I am most productive early in the morning. It’s quiet, I work alone, and at least ninety percent of my writing and product creation is accomplished in these early morning hours, as I shared with you on Day 11.
Which hours are your most effective ones? Do you get a second wind at another time of day? What do you do to protect your prime time hours on a regular basis?
Day 14: Writing, Publishing, and Marketing Your Book – I wrote on this topic for Day 10 of this Challenge, but would like to revisit it today to signify the impact this will have on your life and business. Writing a book was life changing for me. So much so that I followed the first one, Huge Profits with a Tiny List: 50 Ways to Use Relationship Marketing to Increase Your Bottom Line with a second and third book within the following eighteen months. I am now working on my fifteenth book and am at almost eighteen thousand words as of this writing.
This is what I would like for you to consider doing as an exercise in productivity:
- Think about what you would like to be known for, at least initially, as an entrepreneur.
- Make some notes about this and look to see when and where you have already discussed it publicly.
- Make an outline about what you would include in your book, and what you would exclude.
- Divide your book into four or five sections, and each section into two or three chapters. You will now have somewhere between eight and fifteen chapters, with twelve being optimal in my mind.
- Make a commitment to write for one hour each day, at least four days a week.
Please let me know how I may serve you in accomplishing this goal. If you already have a published book, write another one. Make sure it is a book that represents you well and one that will help you to increase and grow your visibility, credibility, and profitability as an entrepreneur.
I do have both a book and a course that teaches you exactly how to do this. The book is Write. Publish. Prosper. How to Write Prolifically, Publish Globally, and Prosper Eternally. The course is at Write – Publish – Prosper. Email me for a discount coupon if you are serious about getting your first or next book written and published.
Are You Enjoying the Productivity Challenge 2017?
Leave a Comment Below and Let Me Know.
Day 15: Let Them Hear Your Voice! – People will either have an affinity for your voice, be completely turned off by it, or feel and react somewhere in between these two extremes. It’s best to learn where someone stands as soon as possible, so I am a huge proponent of hosting teleseminars regularly to allow your prospects and clients to hear your voice. When I first began doing my own teleseminars I hosted one each week on the same day and time. I did this for eighteen months straight during 2007 to 2009 and only missed a few times during this period. That may have been the single most important activity I engaged in during that time that built my list and grew my business steadily.
I typically have my most recent call at Ask Connie Anything, and you can do something similar in your business. I use the Instant Teleseminar (use my link to receive a 21 day trial for only $1) hosting platform to record all of my calls and turn most of them into podcasts that can be found and subscribed to over at iTunes.
You may want to add a Study Guide to your calls as I do many times. People will print these out and keep them for future reference. These serve as a physical reminder of who you are and how you are serving your prospects and clients who come to you as their trusted advisor.
Where may we hear your voice?
You are now half of the way through the Productivity Challenge 2017!
Day 16: All You Ever Wanted to Know About HTML for WordPress (But were smart enough not to ask!)
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and is the code (language) of the internet. You may have heard whisperings of it already, or even been exposed to it in a class. But I am here with the good news that you do not have to be proficient in HTML in order to be successful as an online entrepreneur. In fact, I am going to provide you with everything you need to know in order to enhance your internet experience without getting stressed or wanting to pull your hair out.
There are about twenty or so HTML tags that are convenient to know. I have created a five page report with images and explanations that you may download, print out, or refer to as a reference. Download your Short Report on HTML Tags here.
Day 17: Your Daily Routine -When I first got started as an online entrepreneur I was thrilled not to be stuck in a daily routine any longer. After more than twenty years as a classroom teacher I was sick and tired of having to adhere to such a strict schedule. So what happened after my first wild, crazy, and free month? Yes, I quickly got back into the habit of having a daily routine. Here’s a quote about that:
Create a daily routine and stick to it. Long-term productivity is achieved through dedication.
I have shared my daily routine with you on Day 11. Now that you’ve made it more than half way through the Productivity Challenge 2017 it’s high time for you to make and stick to a daily routine that will serve you and your goals. Read back through this Challenge to decide which projects and activities are most important to you right now. Long-term productivity is achieved through your devotion and dedication to this routine. And be sure to leave a comment below with any questions or ideas you have around this idea of establishing and maintaining a daily routine.
Day 18: Let’s Not Get Social with Social Media – Social media has certainly changed all of our lives. Whether you are a parent or grandparent sharing photos and details of your family, a business owner connecting with prospects and clients, or a person in search of information to help you with a new business venture online, social media allows you to connect with people more easily than ever before.
But is this helpful to you as an entrepreneur, or is it more of a distraction than a tool to build your business?
It’s no secret that I have strong feelings on this topic. I have observed too many people spending their valuable time on social media sites, most specifically Facebook and not achieving their goals because of the ongoing distraction. If this describes you and your situation I have three words for you…
“Turn it off!”
Yes, I believe that it is foolish to have Facebook open in the background while you are attempting to write, create products, and otherwise engage in activities related to your business.
Instead, think of the time you spend on social media sites as “television time” or “down time”. Limit the time you spend on these sites each day and track your visits to each site you are a part of online. My rule is fifteen minutes a day total, and many days I am not on any of the social media sites at all. My motto when it comes to this topic is “Get in, get out, and get back to work!”
And please don’t ever confuse time spent on personal social media pages as time spent building or growing your business, because if you believe this you are simply fooling yourself.
Day 19: Your Resources Page and Reading List – As you become more established as an online entrepreneur you will find that people look to you as a trusted advisor. Early on I created a Resources page and began adding the tools and services that allowed me to run my business. Using an affiliate link allows you to earn a commission should someone click on your link and make a purchase. This is the standard method of recommending something to another person on the internet.
It’s only been recently that I began sharing a Reading List with my readers. Within my own Online Marketing Incubator and Platinum Mastermind group we have read and discussed a variety of books together over the past couple of years, so I decided to share these titles with my readers and recommended they do the same on their main websites. Now I am sharing this strategy with you to better and more quickly establish your credibility and expertise within your niche topic.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this marketing strategy and to learn more about your Resources page and Reading List. Please share with us in the comments section below.
Day 20: The Power of Creating Multiple Opt In Pages – Long ago I had one main website/blog and one place on that site for people to opt in to my list in exchange for their name and email address. Fast forward a decade and I now have about forty opt in pages where people may join my list. I did not do this overnight, but it was my long time mentor who taught me the value of this marketing strategy.
Each opt in page is for one aspect of my business and each offers a free giveaway on the topic of the page. This is how I am able to reach a variety of demographics and niches so easily. One example of this is my opt in page at Online Entrepreneur Blueprint. It’s important to not that each opt in page has its own domain, yet more than one page may offer the same free giveaway.
These opt in pages are excellent for testing out your new ideas, as well as for experimenting with different types of giveaways. I find that my audience prefers written reports, yet some segments of my community much prefer audio or even short videos. You’ll want to test out some different things to see which is best for your target audience.
Day 21: Affiliate Marketing for New Online Entrepreneurs – I did not create my own product until I had been online for almost a year. The way I created income before that was by recommending the products and services I was using and benefiting from as I built my own business on the internet.
I recommend that you choose three affiliate products to recommend in your blog posts, in your blog’s sidebar, and to your list. You may also promote on social media, but do not expect this to be an effective way of marketing. Your goal is to only recommend what you have purchased, use personally, and benefit from regularly.
My popular training course Really Simple Affiliate Marketing is an excellent program if you are just starting out. I love affiliate marketing and it continues to be a major source of my online income to this day.
What questions do you have for me about incorporating affiliate marketing into your online business? Is Productivity Challenge 2017 helping you to move forward with your entrepreneurial goals?
Day 22: What Should I Be Doing Each Day as an Online Entrepreneur? – This is the question I am most often asked, so let’s address it here. I believe that you need both a schedule and a routine, which I have already shared during this Productivity Challenge 2017, so now let’s get down to more specific tasks and activities.
- Write. Every day at some point you must write. Whether it’s a section of your book, a blog post, an email message to your list, an article for an offline publication or syndication site, or something else writing is the single most important part of your business.
- Create/Plan/Outline. This refers to creating a free giveaway, short report, an audio training (I use this teleseminar service), or an online course; planning any of these; and outlining your book or course or other project. If you make this a part of every day, your business will grow more naturally and much more quickly.
- Market. This is how we get our message out of our head and on to the people in the world who need to hear it from us. Everything I discuss here is around no cost methods of marketing and this would include sharing and syndicating your content, sharing replays of your teleseminars, reaching out to others in your own and complimentary niches, sharing insights and resources on social media sites, and speaking on your topic in person or virtually.
Are you doing all of these things regularly in your online business? What questions do you have around these and how to better incorporate them into your daily schedule?
Day 23: What’s Your Story? – Storytelling continues to be the most important part of how you build and grow your online business. We remember others and they remember us through the stories we create and share. You may already know my story, but if not it’s that I was a classroom teacher for twenty years while also working simultaneously in real estate. After a serious work injury and multiple bouts with cancer I prayed for a change in my life. I discovered online marketing in 2005 and went full time in 2006. Now I work with people on six continents to help them achieve success online.
That is the story I share to introduce myself to the world. I follow this up with hundreds of stories related to how I earned my first dollar online in 2006, how I won 25K cash in the “Better Your Best” contest in 2009, and when I published my first book in 2010. Can you see how storytelling makes sense when you want to connect with people who do not yet know you?
What’s your story? Leave a comment below.
Day 24: You, a YouTube Star! – When I started my YouTube channel almost ten years ago I was reluctant to add any videos for my business. I had heard that Google (they own YouTube) was closing accounts from people who were using videos to teach topics like internet marketing and how to make money online. So instead of giving up completely I finally decided to start a lifestyle channel. What I mean by this is that the overwhelming majority of my videos over the years have been of me traveling the world, enjoying the beach in Santa Barbara (one of the cities I call home), at the film festival, and of my work with a variety of charitable organizations. This has served me well in that my community knows more about me as a person than they would if I simply taught them how to be a successful online entrepreneur.
Do you have a channel on YouTube? Share the link in the comments section below so we can see you on the big screen!
Day 25: What Do You Say When You Talk to Yourself? – We all have a rolling conversation in our heads that begins when we first wake up in the morning. Mine used to consist of negative self-talk, to the point where I had already beat myself up and felt defeated within the first ten minutes. When I left my previous life behind in favor of working as an online entrepreneur I knew that I had to change this inner dialog and talk with myself in a more positive way.
Overnight my outlook on life and my results changed! Now I spend time every single morning in quiet contemplation of the day ahead. I express gratitude for this life I have created for myself and go over the things I am most proud of right now. I have a routine with this that leaves me refreshed, renewed, and ready to get going with a level of excitement that is over the top!
You may prefer to do something a little more subdued, but I would challenge you to take a close look at what you do during your first half hour or so of being awake and decide if it is serving you or hindering your personal growth and business progress. Here are some things to think about during this morning “quiet time” conversation with yourself:
Where am I right now and how satisfied am I, on a scale of 1 to 10, with:
Be completely honest (no one can hear you when you talk to yourself) and then come up with a plan to raise your numbers. This cannot be achieved overnight, but over time you will know yourself better and have a more joyous personal and business experience throughout your life if you give some time and focus to these “Five Fs”.
I’d love to read your comments on this below.
Day 26: Tactics Versus Strategies in Your Online Business – When you are brand new to anything it is the tactics that you must get down in your mind. Think about learning to drive a car (or if you’ve had the pleasure of teaching a teenage how to drive!) and you know that it takes time, patience, and practice. The same is true for online entrepreneurs. We must learn how to write and publish a blog post, using SEO (search engine optimization) within our posts, how to set up our social media profiles, how to set up and write autoresponder and broadcast emails, and a host of additional tasks before we can move on the strategies of actually running our businesses.
Strategic entrepreneurship occurs when you have some things in place and now wish to scale your business. This is the time when you assemble your team, create and use both writing and marketing calendars, and schedule out the products and courses you will create and launch over a period of time. It’s also a time when it makes sense for you to write and publish your book, start a podcast, and begin speaking at and hosting live events, workshops, and conferences.
Yes, strategies are more fun than tactics, and certainly more lucrative. Where are you currently in this process?
Day 27: Marketing for Small, Local Businesses – I became an “accidental” success soon after coming online, in part because I honed my newfound skills by marketing for a small business started by a family member. Using simple strategies and techniques I was learning for my own business, I was able to get him to pages one and two on Google for his most searched for keyword phrases. Soon other local businesses wanted me to help them and I got to six figures a year by helping seven or eight of them regularly.
Have you thought about doing something similar? I recommend starting by helping a close friend or family member with their marketing and only charging them for the expenses involved (hosting, domains, and a few other things) and then using them as a Case Study in order to sign paying clients. This is quite satisfying as you see their businesses prosper.
What are your questions on this topic?
Day 28: Membership Sites Make Sense – How many membership sites do you belong to? Before you answer this question, remember that retailers like Costco, Sam’s Club, grocery stores, and pet supply chains have used this model for almost a decade. And if you belong to Amazon Prime, Netflix, American Automobile Association (AAA), or even Domino’s Pizza or an airline frequent flyer program you are also a member of a membership site. Some of these charge an annual fee to belong and others are free, but no matter what you benefit in untold ways through your membership.
So wouldn’t it make complete sense that you would add a membership component to your online business? I use Wishlist Member as my platform because of its ease of use, simplicity, and affordable cost and now have it set up on almost fifty of my sites.
Start small. Add some relevant content each month for three months, begin to sell discounted memberships to “charter” members, and continue to add value regularly. You’ll learn what works best for your audience by trial and error, Feedback from these charter members is priceless. The truth is that having recurring monthly and/or annual income from your memberships will allow you to grow exponentially over time. And best of all, it’s scalable as you grow.
Day 29: Content Creation, Syndication, and Marketing Rocks! – My days of content creation began when I started my first blog in the spring of 2006. The writing was difficult and awkward for me. I couldn’t think of what to write about and I had no idea which keywords people might be using when they were searching for what I had to offer. But I persevered and the writing came a little bit easier each day.
Back then we submitted articles to the article directories. The required word count was two hundred fifty words. I challenged myself to write a hundred articles in a hundred days. That didn’t happen…
I wrote one hundred articles in just seventy-eight days!
I was overjoyed at accomplishing this feat and this propelled me to greater success with my writing. Now I write every single day and my writing makes me a very comfortable living. So instead of being a writer who came online I was someone who came online and became a writer.
But creating content by writing is just the first step in the process. Once you hit “publish” it is your job as an online entrepreneur to get the word out to the world. That’s where syndication and marketing come into play. I syndicate all of my content on sites such as LinkedIn, Medium, and Facebook pages. Twitter is also an excellent place to share your written content.
Marketing your content occurs through your emails, within short reports, and when you mix up your media and repurpose your written content into audio and video formats. Just like how very young children enjoy seeing their favorite movies over and over, adults who are interested in you and your topic will enjoy consuming your content multiple times and in different formats. Feed that desire by creating original content regularly, and also by using PLR (private label rights) content and content curation to build your business.
What questions do you have for me regarding content creation, syndication, curation and marketing?
Day 30: What’s Next? Now that you have come to the final day of this Productivity Challenge, how does it feel? Did you give it your all or did you skip a few days? And what have you created during this time? It’s important to ask yourself these questions to see if you are truly cut out to live the life of an entrepreneur.
Go back through each day and see what the next logical step is for you at each juncture. I find that when my students go through my trainings for a second time they do so with new eyes and a deeper commitment. Make notes on what you will take action on and implement during this stage of your entrepreneurial journey. You alone have the power to leverage this material and create your own online empire.
Once you have made the decision to move forward, think about who you will choose to guide you through the maze of possibilities. I would love the opportunity to work with you in my Online Marketing Incubator program. And if you aren’t quite ready for that, I teach online courses on most of the topics we have touched on here. Feel free to reach out to me at any time and see what’s in your best interest going forward. Thanks so much for being a part of this seventh annual Productivity Challenge!
Hi Connie I am in! I like to get more structured so I can increase my productivity!
Welcome, Charlotte. How do you structure each day right now? For example, I start writing first thing in the morning, then I address my emails, then I return to writing, and finally I work on my latest product or course. I’m usually finished by 10:30 or 11 am.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Productivity Challenge 2017
I have my blogging and online newspaper articles pretty consistent. I need to focus on finishing my book, Eat Your Blues Away, getting a TV episode for Thin Strong Healthy done once a month, and my podcast has to really get off the ground. This week, I’ve lined up a paleo chef to interview for the podcast, so that will be a new experience. Any suggestions on doing that Connie? Do you have a list of questions to guide an interview? Thanks!
Cheryl Major recently posted…Eating out healthy – What are the best choices?
Hi Connie! This is my first time here at the Productivity Challenge.
I’m pursuing blogging with my new venture, The site has tips and inspiration for entrepreneurs, broken into bite-sized pieces. And I like to think the writing is some of the best around. 🙂
My plan/goal is to add more affiliate marketing to the site and to move into my own products as I gain traction and validity. I’m also a freelance writer/ghostwriter who would love more clients! So add that to the productivity list as well.
Looking forward to the challenge!
Hi Karin,
Welcome aboard the Productivity Challenge 2017! I did take a look at your site and see that you are not yet building a list. Will that change? When I Googled you I don’t see the site at all. I will challenge you to set up a site at your name, which I believe you already own. You want and need the world to know who you are, what you stand for, and your message. Be ready for your closeup!
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Productivity Challenge 2017
Hi there Connie and fellow productivity challengers 🙂
I am the proud owner of and My current models are:
– affiliate marketing (Both sites)
– creating my own information products (UsePLR)
– creating my own online courses (UsePLR)
– creating PLR products
– online physical Amazon sales (getting more into this now).
Last week, I developed a plan to increase visibility and revenue on both sites.
Whole Food PLR
– one pack release per week with an OTO (can be a related pack that is already on the store) – I tried it this week and made three figures the first day.
– place one ‘special’ page up per week for affiliates who have products related to mine. That way when/if they decide to add the special to their schedule I can just activate the coupon code.
– Use PLR to create blog posts and free reports
– Create a small product based around that PLR
– Have a weekly podcast and a weekly webinar (both will go more in depth about the most recent product(s) that were created, and both will advertise the free report and new product) – *note – this part of the plan won’t kick in until I am outsourcing more of my writing work
Comments? Critiques? I’d love to hear them 🙂
You are taking massive action, Rachel! I love to see that because it will pay off in huge ways over time.
Are you taking the time to plan a BIGGER 2017 for your business? By this I mean adding the people and projects that will take your business to the next level. Once I brought a Project Manager aboard my business really took off.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Productivity Challenge 2017
Thanks for the tip Connie 🙂 I will make sure that I look for one. I am definitely planning a bigger 2017. After we spoke last and I left my offline position, I had a few health obstacles that I have needed to address (you know what I am saying…), but things are finally starting to calm down a bit and I had my first normal work week in ages this past week. And I made my weekly income goal in the first 48 hours 🙂
Once the health issues are wrapped up (looks like mid Summer as of now), I want to start traveling to things like weekend marketer and Beachpreneurs as well as trade shows for FBA purposes. Additionally, I know I need to get back to a mentor program as soon as I can, so that is another thing I am working towards.
Take Care Lifechanger XO
Rachel Youngson recently posted…Embarrassing Health Issues PLR
Hi Connie,
Is it necessary to purchase a domain of your own name, or would it be ok to only concentrate on a brand name – like a trading name. Or, would you keep the “your own name” site to just display an index of links of your products, your brand name, your facebook page etc.
I’m a bit nervous really of using my own name as a domain – seems almost… vain?
Hi Max,
It isn’t vain at all to use your own name for your domain. When someone Googles you to find out more about you and what you have to offer, they expect to find your name at the top of the page. Remember that you are the brand as an online entrepreneur.
I have more than three hundred sites, sixty products, fourteen published books, and dozens of social media and forum connections, but my name will always be the most important and relevant keyword phrase for my business.
I hope this is helpful.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Productivity Challenge 2017
Hi, Connie! My goal is to publish a blog post every day of the productivity challenge. My name site is but I mostly blog at My focus is small business marketing.
Great goal, Ron. Thanks for sharing. Then what will you do with these thirty posts after you have written and published them? Perhaps repurposing them into a short report for your list would be appropriate.
Connie Ragen Green
Hi All! For those who have absolutely nothing in place but are fledgling producers, never fear! You are not alone! For before you, stand I , actually I guess I might be the only one who has nothing going! I can’t say nothing though, as I did bring one person so far, in to the Spring Jumpstart for April, though I even had difficulty using my affilliate link! Wahootie I am already feeling the success! Thanks Connie! I will be the one who has the most to gain from this possibly, but I promise also, to be one who truly enjoys our journey! Soon then! Thanks everyone for support for this pokie person in the group! Cheryl G Burke
I love your enthusiasm, Cheryl! It’s contagious! Now I’d like for you to make a list of priorities for your next thirty days. What do you need to set in place in order to get started as an online entrepreneur? Do this with clarity and focus as to what you wish to achieve overall in your “Big Picture”.
Connie Ragen Green
Hi Connie. I am pleased to join you on the Productivity Challenge. I have two blogs, and I commit to being more productive by blogging on each blog 10 times, finally launch my new course, Tradeshows for FBA, launch a 2nd season of Affiliate Niche Sites and have an local live event for my Amazon business. I am seriously looking at a VA for my Amazon business. Thanks for the challenge.
You are an excellent example of someone who is willing to take a challenge and follow through with what you learn. Your goals make sense for a thirty day Productivity Challenge. 2017 will be bright for you!
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Productivity Challenge 2017
Congratulations on your online success! I first became familiar with you on the Huge Profits Tiny List podcast. I am happy to join you in the Productivity Challenge 2017 and just purchased your book, Leave The Corporate World Behind since I share this dream.
I have started to help people define and find their dream job whether it is climbing the corporate ladder as you and I have or starting their own business.
Best wishes for a great 2017!
Noel Watts
So glad you’ve come aboard the Productivity Challenge 2017, Noel. Yes, Adrienne is someone to watch and emulate when it comes to online entrepreneurship.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Productivity Challenge 2017
Hi Connie,
Thanks for the opportunity to participate in your challenge. My current goals are blogging 1-2 times a month and getting my first Shopify store up. Doing the niche research now. I continue to sell physical products online and build niche sites.
My main site is I am following the challenge to get more consistent in my blogging, the use of PLR in content creation, and social media.
My message is directed at people new to online marketing that want an extra income that can grow into something amazing and fulfilling.
Kit recently posted…Online Relationships are Important
Glad you are moving forward with your business, Kit. Thanks for joining the Productivity Challenge 2017!
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Productivity Challenge 2017
Thank you Connie. Been a few challenging months financially as a family but on firmer footing now.
Kit recently posted…Online Relationships are Important
Day 5 – This falls on a Saturday and weekends I don’t get as much time due to family fun and obligations. My Prime hours are usually 8-11am but I am having to make changes with a new grand baby in the house. Since I usually hold her about 9:00am for at least an hour so my daughter-in-law can get some extra sleep I am getting up earlier. As she is only 2 1/2 months old I can check FB with one hand and text a little. This won’t last as she gets bigger and takes naps in her crib so I am adjusting my schedule for now.
Started writing a new blog post this morning and did niche research on Amazon and and Reddit for my new niche site. Also went through some training on Amazon PPC to boost sales for an Amazon product I have.
Kit recently posted…Online Relationships are Important
Hello Connie,
I have just found out about the challenge. I am just in time to join in. I will work on the first days tomorrow and quickly catch up.
My two products are: finish two more e-books belonging to a series. The first one has just been published.
Work daily on marketing the book – at least one major marketing task daily. I will give my feedback of my progess in the comments daily.
Start selling a physical product on Amazon. I will work on this every day for one hour.
Welcome aboard, Doreen. So glad you have joined the Productivity Challenge 2017.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Productivity Challenge 2017
The exercise you suggest on Day 7 took a while but was very helpful to get things out of my head that would constantly pop up…as remember you have this to do. Gave me clarity on what I wanted to use currently such as domains, photos, PLR, physical products and tools and training, what to eliminate and others to shelf that aren’t contributing to my current progress.
Very helpful. Thanks.
Kit recently posted…Online Relationships are Important
So glad you’re taking action with this one, Kit.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Productivity Challenge 2017
Hallo Connie,
so glad you talked about staying healthy. Fortunately, I started early in life with yoga and healthy eating – and absolutely love walking. Where I need to be careful is getting so involved in my work on the computer that I loose contact with my inner self. I have started taking a 15 minute break every two hours to meditate. I use another 15 minutes just to tidy everything and clean the dishes.
This way I finish the 8 hour day feeling refreshed and with a tidy and attractive office.
Thanks for reminding me to keep on with this habit.
Just want to check in with my actions of today.
I contacted five evening schools to give classes. The idea here is to have customers for my coming up books which are related to the subject of my class – colors.
I will start this evening writing a blog post every evening to make sure information about my latest book is circulating. Somehow, I find it as difficult to sell one book for €6, as to to something for
Tomorrow, I will be writing 3 blog posts in advance, since I have more time available. I w
I e
Doreen Richmond recently posted…Gelb in der Kleidung – Gute Laune
Hi, Connie – I was sure I had posted a few days ago, but don’t see what I wrote; so I will respond to several days together.
+ My goal for the Challenge is to get a good start on building my list. I now have a website with opt-in and continue to blog and identify what I will be selling
+ My main site is It focuses on Transforming Your Retirement.
+ Information products and affiliate marketing are my first business models
+ My prime time are morning hours, and I am adjusting my schedule to use them better.
+ My message is to inspire and assist people in transforming their retirement into a time of joy, fulfillment and contribution.
Thanks for the opportunity to be part of this challenge!
Thanks for coming aboard the Productivity Challenge 2017, Carol. You have shared meaningful details of your new online business.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Productivity Challenge 2017
I always have water handy wherever I go and drink plenty of it. Hope this doesn’t mean I have borderline type 2 diabetes as I do tend to get thirsty.
I also love to walk but am now having a little trouble with my right knee, probably due to weight gain. Here I have failed miserably! Not enough healthy exercise and food and too much rich food topped off with a glass of wine after dinner on occasion.
The weather has warmed up so I am starting a water aerobics class soon that is offered in my community. They offer yoga classes too which I plan to start as soon as my knee feels better. This should help with weight loss as I am not walking as much. A friend recommended The Whole 30 plan for healthy eating but I haven’t checked it out yet.
As for my prayer and meditation I am consistent with that as part of my morning ritual but have had to readjust the timing which I just wrote a post about.
But I can always improve on these things so thanks for the reminder about how important these lifestyle changes are to improve productivity.
Kit recently posted…A Daily Routine
It sounds like you have a plan of action that will serve your needs. We must put ourselves first in order to better serve those around us. Sometimes it helps to remind family and friends of this fact.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Productivity Challenge 2017
Hello There, I am so busy with day 9, I don’t want to look at 10! It just means it will be over that much faster and I am looking forward everyday to the Productivity Challenge 2017! Connie almost ready to send something over for you to take a peek at for me! Hoping this will get me onboard! Really enjoyed your webinar on Sean Mize’ Using PLR ! As always You are a rock on which to build!
So glad you’ve come aboard the Productivity Challenge 2017, Cheryl!
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Productivity Challenge 2017
Dear Connie,
thank you so much for your productivity schedule. I would love to start working so early in the mornings. Perhaps this challenge would be a good time to try it out. I will give it ago. If I could start “as early? as” 8.00 am and work through until 1.00 pm this would be excellent for me.
Now on my list for this challenge. Get up at 7.00 am and start to work on my various projects from 8.00 am onwards.
All the best, Doreen
Doreen Richmond recently posted…Farben für das Kinderzimmer – Blau und Orange
I love your willingness to change your schedule to achieve the success you deserve. I still don’t think of myself as a “morning person” because I don’t want to be out among people at an early hour, but as far as getting my work done there is no time quite like the peaceful early morning hours.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Productivity Challenge 2017
Wahootie, what a ride! It is so exciting to wake up every morning, knowing I am going to have a great day, “Just Because I CAN! ” Joining in on the Productivity Challenge 2017 is a great way to record in my Business Journal, those things which I will continue to deliberate on, even after completing this challenge! I am currently working on a sales page to promote affiliate markets I enjoy receiving information from and that I believe will continue to add value to the lives of others, by my business promotions. Working on Websites that have been dormant for almost 10 years waiting for creation and productivity! It’s a joy to work with you all.
Cheryl G
Cheryl – your enthusiasm is contagious! Thanks for sharing what you are working with here in the Productivity Challenge 2017.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Repurposed Information Products
Hi Connie — Am here checking out the Challenge as you suggested in your e-mail today. Lots and lots of good stuff here. Will take awhile to catch up. I need it. Thanks for mentioning it and creating it.
So glad you’ve come aboard the Productivity Challenge 2017, Steve. I am here to serve you.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Repurposed Information Products
Eccuse me for coming in again . I made a typ;o in my web siote url. Corrected now.
Steve Matuszak recently posted…Can You Achieve More Success?
I start with the 5 first days, just to follow through with the whole challenge.
Day 1-5
I am building a business as an online entrepreneur so in April I want to get all in order so I can start building my list from May. Create an opt in funnel with 10 autoresponder messages. Write minimum 12 articles with a free give away on the website. Repurpose those articles. Updated my social profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. Create an editorial calendar over what topics I will write about and when.
My main site The under construction ( arrrgghh )
First business models; affiliate marketing and infoproduct creation.
My message:
“Introvert, throw away the shackles of being employed and create a life you love on your own terms”
Just throwing this out. Connie, could this be a message?
Working on today, creating the editorial calendar and finishing up transferring my passwords to LastPass and all files to Dropbox.
Connie you mention one of your small tasks is preparing a module for Really Simple Email marketing. That for me would be a major task! And you do not mention writing emails and articles witch would be 5 things to do every day. Don’t you count those tasks?
all the best Charlotte H
Hi Charlotte,
Yes, your message is an excellent one! Thanks so much for sharing it here with us.
You bring up some excellent points here. On days when I am writing my book I do not write any articles. And writing to my list each day only takes about ten to fifteen minutes, so it’s no longer a task but simply something I enjoy doing. That will come after time for you.
And my last comment is about your website; just hit publish! I have more than three hundred fifty websites and they were each created in about fifteen minutes. Graphics can be added later and themes can be changed at any time. Don’t use this as an excuse not to begin your business right now.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Repurposed Information Products
Wahootie Another Day in Paradise! Howdy everyone, you know, I am glad folks only have to read these posts, when they want to! Because You just might not be experiencing Paradise right now, but guess what! Picking up on Connie Green’s teaching is phenomenal! This Productivity Challenge 2017 is just what the doctor ordered, to go at your own pace and accomplish those things you have been years dreaming about! Connie, You’re the Girl! How fun to check one’s self out to see if we are serious about moving forward before we spend any money on anything to become what we say we want to become! What you have given here, is a platform for anyone to use to become whatever it is they wish to become, by simply applying your production processes. Not everyone is cut out to become an online entrepreneur, but everyone, is cut out to become what they Dream to become! These steps found in this challenge,
are evergreen and, “everproductive! Oh well, I am a writer and I can take liberty with making up new words if I want to! Besides, you get the picture of what, “Ever Productive,” when used with evergreen, refers to!
Have a Great Day, Just Because You Can!
Cheryl G
Cheryl G recently posted…I Wish I Had a Dollar
So here I am again, I just posted and got right down to the posting and Voila! It disappeared like the smoke on magicians trick! Off to the thin air of the atmosphere! I hope everyone else is having as much fun as I am with this challenge! I feel like I want the day to grow some hours, so I can keep on playing! I do not even know if my posts reach any other’s reader board, as I do not see another post since my own on the 7th and perhaps it has not been approved? I do not know exactly how this works, do you let us know if you ( as moderator) do not approve of our little posts? Enough, enough already! I think I am getting slap happy, so since I have accomplished all but my determinations of what is on my schedule for tomorrow, I will bid any and all adieu! Have a Great Day, Just Because You Can! Blessings, Cheryl G
Cheryl G recently posted…Freedom From Our Past To Live Our Future
I’m getting involved with the productivity challenge – I have finally decided on my topic for my first book and am getting the outline going. Thanks for sharing this great resource with us all Connie.
Lori – great to hear! Remember that the marketing of your book begins while you are still writing it. Make sure you are blogging and connecting with others who would be interested in your topic.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Repurposed Information Products
Hi Connie,
Catching up on the last weeks posts. Looking forward to your new book and podcast. Have you decided when your last book , “Doing What It Takes” will be available on Kindle?
I have 2 book ideas that have been sitting on the back burner for too long and my back burner is now definitely overcrowded. Think I should just pick one and devote an hour a day following your advice in your Write, Publish, Prosper book and course. I am blogging 2x a month on my main site and the habit feels good. Know I can increase that.
Doing a Podcast interests me, perhaps an interview show, but want to find a partner to do that with. Kinda like the old Regis & Kathi Lee show…fun but informative.
Thanks for the HTML short report. Will be a great reference.
FB is my biggest social media challenge…not on others really…but I have added to my list by participating on challenges on FB. Other than that need to figure out whether to add a FB page just for business.
Have a Reading List on my are on it… but need other resource lists. Just been putting it off but you are challenging me to set a date and get it done. I have learned the hard way that w/o a deadline things get pushed to “someday”.
Really appreciate all your posts in this challenge! So helpful and a good reminder to stay the course.
Kit recently posted…Tips to Avoid Business Failure
Kit – Thanks so much for being a part of this Productivity Challenge 2017. I appreciate you!
I believe you have way too much on your plate and need to simplify. And be careful of joining Challenges on Facebook. There is a reason I do mine here every year and have for seven years in a row. It’s because this is a site I own and control and our comments will be here forever instead of disappearing into cyberspace a short time later.
Choose just three projects to work on over the next thirty days and work on them every single day. When you see the results from your focused time and efforts you will be amazed. Many people choose to be employees for this very reason; they need someone to keep them on track and accountable to completing specific tasks and activities each day. Do that as an entrepreneur and the world will be yours.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Social Media Distraction? Just Turn It Off!
As always, appreciate your advice. Think you are right about FB challenges. Can be a time suck and the ROI may be poor.
That describes almost everything on that site, Kit. My motto continues to be “get in, get out, and get back to work!”
Relevant to Day 23…My story is that I accidentally “cured” my own depression by changing how I eat. I had struggled with chronic depression for decades… in fact, for most of my adult life. I am writing a book about my victory, and what will set it apart from doctors who have studied depression is that I have lived it! My memories of living a life with sadness and grief have been replaced by a life that is present. I can have fun now. I am no longer on and off anti-depressant medications. I am dedicated to sharing my journey with others as it is a story that I am bound by a sense of duty to share with people who are still in the grips of depression.
Cheryl A Major recently posted…What Do Sugar and Cocaine Have In Common?
This is an inspired story, Cheryl. How can others work with you to get their nutrition in line with their physical end emotional needs?
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Social Media Distraction? Just Turn It Off!
It’s really easy to work with me. People can check out my coaching program on my website I’m not able to leave the url here, but the information is in the menu under “Coaching with Cheryl”.
I love helping people realize they can change their weight, their health and their mood just by making some simple changes to what they eat.
Most people don’t realize how much power they have over their lives and their health.
I love helping them find and step into their power!
Cheryl A Major recently posted…Bentgo Boxes
The topics covered in this challenge are really the basis for a solid business. Thanks for laying it all out in this way, Connie.
Thanks for your comment, Sue. The Productivity Challenge 2017 has helped many entrepreneurs. Please tell us more about your business.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Social Media Distraction? Just Turn It Off!
I love this productivity challenge! It always gets me motivated to see what I can accomplish. I have a niche site on word press. My message is Health is a choice learn how to choose it. I am working on my digital assets with the focus report as my next step. I am getting my routine established to blog 3 times per week. Thanks for your support Connie. Your information is so helpful.
Excellent progress and goals, Shirley. Thanks for joining the Productivity Challenge 2017.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Social Media Distraction? Just Turn It Off!
I love your productivity challenge! I’m working on my book and would love to hear your suggestions for staying productive in all the other important areas (at the same time/on the same day). I find that I use up most of my creative energy while working on the book, then l hobble along with the rest of my creative endeavors. How do you manage to do it all?
Ron Tester recently posted…Make Your Visitors Happy by Providing High Value Content
You bring up some excellent points here, Ron. And congratulations on writing your book!
We must always prioritize our life choices for best results. I’m not talking about creating “balance” because that just isn’t possible. Instead, keep a monthly calendar using the “rocks, pebbles, sand” method. Google it if you’re not familiar. People come first and tend to take up my “rocks” every month. This includes family, friends, clients, and others I connect with regularly. My “pebbles” are my business projects, and everything else is sand.
The key to success with this is to first figure our what you best, most alert hours of the day are and to not schedule more than two, and preferable only one “rock” each day during these hours. And be sure to include “me time” for yourself. Know that this will change monthly and that things may come up unexpectedly that require you to swap out some rocks or pebbles for others.
I hope this explanation is helpful to you and others participating in the Productivity Challenge 2017.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Social Media Distraction? Just Turn It Off!
Really like what you share on Day 28 about membership sites and the way you explain it. I belong to quite a few and your post got me motivated to list them out and how much I spend and whether they are for business or personal reasons.
Like the idea of creating my own, having recurring income, providing great value and adding stability and scaling to my business.
Been a great productivity challenge!
Kit recently posted…Tips to Avoid Business Failure
Kit – memberships sites make sense for any niche. I would love to see you create your own and share your vast knowledge and experience with those who can learn so much from you.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Social Media Distraction? Just Turn It Off!
Persistent daily progress is amazing when stacking this habit. You continue to surprise me with how simple you rock out the content. Just a bit here and there and stacked together you have your book almost complete. Great example on eating elephants. Tks
Yes, I’m eating elephants one bite at a time in my life and business. And keeping it all simple will continue to be my motto. What are you working on currently in your business?
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Social Media Distraction? Just Turn It Off!
As always, a wealth of information during this fantastic challenge. I have chosen my book am writing regularly, will bring out my childrens book first, relating to ethical lessons in life. I am putting together the lists of reports, tips and challenges for the site which we are happy to say, is up and images have been added, with pages for now that will be filled in as I retype everything, as much had been done in my own hand, updated recently, to using computer for these tasks. Time management adaptation! Thank You once again, for permitting us to visit with you in this manner! See You Next Time.
Cheryl G Burke
You’ve been busy, Cheryl – excellent to hear!
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Segmenting Your List to Keep It Fresh
My blog posts I have been writing are on so do not show up on the secondary site, but I have been working on the steps you talked about all through this challenge. Today, as well as working on putting together a report on affiliate marketing, I wrote a tribute to my Mother which will be included in a later book. thought I’d share it here . Thanks again for your Luv Connie!
Cheryl G
Cheryl G recently posted…She Would be 90 Today But She Died at 39
I’m not sure what you mean by a “secondary” site. When I visit your site I see all of your posts at /blog.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Segmenting Your List to Keep It Fresh
Following the excellent webinar training last night I’m working on my Create/Plan/Outline Connie. I’m creating a free giveaway/short report.
So glad you are inspired to take action, Claire! Which niche are you working in?
Connie Ragen Green
Connie Ragen Green recently posted…Segmenting Your List to Keep It Fresh
I’m working in the Internet Lifestyle Business niche Connie