Are you challenging yourself to productivity online? You can always increase your productivity in your online business, and challenges may be helpful. I believe that we can all benefit from a good challenge. In fact, challenging yourself to improve can make a huge difference in your business and in your personal life.
In 2007 I challenged myself to write 100 articles in 100 days. I was able to reach this goal in only 78 days, and I’ve gone on to write 1,655 articles since that time. As I got into the habit of writing every day my skills improved and my productivity naturally increased.
In 2009 I hosted the first ever 30 Day Blogging Challenge. This was a huge milestone, and now many people have gone on to host similar challenges. What started out as my way of helping others to increase their blogging output turned into a global endeavor that still pleases me to watch.
Right now I’m part of a team to lose weight and improve my health in a Fitness Challenge. I work at this every single day and love seeing the results. Being a part of a team keeps everyone motivated and committed to success.
There is currently a List Building Challenge that will show you how to get more qualified people on
your list. You can join in and increase your numbers quickly.
I’m also currently on Day 6 of my own 21 Day Productivity Challenge. Join us and see just how much your productivity online will improve over the course of just a few weeks.
Challenges definitely make you stronger, so I encourage you to make them a part of your daily life to see what you can accomplish.
I love challenges because they keep me focused on the things I need to do to reach specific goals. The only downside I’ve found is participating in too many challenges at the same time, so it’s important that they are related to each other in some way, and also that they are tied into my goals for that period of time.
My goals for the first quarter of the year are centered around people and products so your Productivity Challenge and the List Building Challenge perfectly align with my goals at this time. Thanks for offering the Productivity Challenge, Connie.
Connie, I just love your 21 Day Productivity challenge. You have given me so much information to get my on-line business off to a great start. I especially enjoy the reading the business books that you recommend to keep me motivated. Thank you!
I couldn’t agree more about challenges making
us stronger Connie!
And BTW, big congrats on publishing some many
extremely helpful articles and or blog post!
I sure you can treasure hunt those for additional
ideas and concepts, any time you need to!
And thanks for showing us the major benefits of commitment!
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