Publicity Hound Joan Stewart has been helping people get recognized for more than twenty years now. I first learned from her in 2006, when I wanted to promote my local Rotary Club. I was able to get two feature articles in our worldwide publication within one year, something les than thirty Clubs around the world can say. Soon I began applying these same principles to my online business, and things began to happen very quickly for me.
Joan has just released her Best Publicity Tips for 2009, and it is yours for the asking. She does this every year, and I continue to learn something new. This time the focus is more on social media, so you will learn how to use Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to your advantage She also includes ideas for publicity that continue to work, such as creating your own holiday. I encourage you to download this free publicity guide and spend some time reading it to see what you can implement very quickly.
Hello from Montana:
Looking forward to visiting with you on Wednesday and seeing you in Vegas in January.
Judy Helm Wright aka Auntie Artichoke