When you work online, you will find that there is no recession. If anything, people are more willing to do business during difficult economic times than during prosperous ones. By writing articles and an eBook you will be able to build an online business that will bring you profits for years to come.
No matter what topic you choose, having an eBook for that niche market will be a way to sell your information to people around the world. The economy is different everywhere, so don’t let talk of a recession stop you. You can easily write from home and build a business to supplement or replace your current income.
Be sure to sign up for my weekly teleseminars on how to write articles and turn them into profitable eBooks. I also teach the technology you will need to run your own online business and make money with your writing and other products and services.
Hello from beautiful Montana: (a comment I placed on Jeff Herning’s blog)
Oh Jeff, I do love your posts. Probably because our minds run along similar paths.
I am writing a new eBook called “Raise an R Rated Child-Responsible, Respectful and Resilient.” it should be out soon, so watch for it.
Sometimes when life kicks us so hard, we need to just stay on the floor for a few minutes and regroup. I usually give myself a time limit to wallow in self pity and feel like the world is full of dirty rotten scoundrels and woe is me. Then, when the timer goes off it is over!
People who are grieving may need to set aside a time every day to be really sad and down. In a few months, you won’t need that time or some days you will forget it.
Connie Ragan Green, who is one of your friends and mine, teaches so well not because of her successes but because of her failures. She is able to motivate because she hit the wall and bounced back.
Keep up the good work and have fun at the Seminar in Atlanta. Come back and teach us lots.
Judy H. Wright
aka Auntie Artichoke, the storytelling trainer
and for a free eBook please go to: