A ‘relaunch’ is the process of offering a course you have previously taught at a later point in time. I will explain exactly how this works. This marketing strategy will help you to increase your income significantly, simply by selling courses you have already created.
Just say that you have a course that consists of four one hour webinars. Using the relaunch system, you would offer this course again. It does not matter if you first offered it a month ago or a year ago, as long as the content is still timely and accurate.
In fact, if your list has grown significantly in size since you first taught your course you may be amazed at how much better it will do the second time around. This is because you will now have more people who will see what you have to offer. There will also be those who were on your list when you mailed for it the first time and didn’t sign up for one reason or another.
With a relaunch you will offer a live training call on the first day. Then you will send out autoresponder emails to remind the new students of what you want them to watch or listen to. You may decide they should work through two modules each week, instead of one per week as you originally set up your course. Then you offer a final live training. You could also invite the previous students to this event, in order to stay connected with them and to answer their questions.
The additional work for you includes the two live trainings and setup of the autoresponder messages. Not bad, considering your original course has already been completed. You could do this once or twice with every course you teach, bringing you quite a bit of residual income.
Thanks Connie, we can always count on you for fresh idea. This is a great stratedy that I plan on using in the near future. You rock!
Great idea! Makes sense. Love your new look on your blog!
Thank you for the step by step info on how to do this. I will use this in the future. By the way, good luck with your new book.
This is great! I use to worry about having to create new content/course material BUT now I love the idea of re-purposing and expanding on content that I’ve already created. This works!