eBooks are still an excellent way to establish yourself as an expert on your topic. This, in turn, will bring you more prospects and clients to help you build your online empire. The very best way you can get the most out of the knowledge and expertise you have included in your eBook is to repurpose your content into as many different forms as possible.
***Scroll to the bottom of this post to download your Special Report on “53 Ways to Repurpose Content“
Just one eBook, about sixty to eighty pages in length, can be turned into hundreds of articles, blog posts, forum comments, tweets on Twitter, teleseminars, videos, short reports, podcasts, and more. The possibilities are endless, and repurposing your content can even be done by someone else besides you. Take just a minute and think about the different ways you can get your information into other people’s hands, using a variety of modalities.
You will first want to organize the information contained in your eBook by category. This may be the way you have your eBook’s chapters written already, or you may need to make a new list of categories that will make this repurposing faster and easier. This also will make it more likely that an assistant can do all of this for you.
Once you have chosen the categories that best describe your topic, pull excerpts from your writing and turn them into articles and blog posts. I like to keep my articles to around three hundred words in length. This is also what the article directories require in order for you to submit your content for publication on their sites. You can then use that same article as a blog post, as long as you are publishing it on your own blog. Be sure to use your best keywords as the title of your article and your blog post title so that more people will be able to find you online.
Now you are ready to repurpose your content into short reports. These can be approximately three to twenty pages long, and may also include links to your sites and products, as well as to affiliate products and programs. The short report makes an excellent free giveaway when someone joins your list. It is just long enough to establish you as an expert in your niche and to let readers know that you have enough information to help them to solve their problems. This is a winning combination.
Don’t stop here. Go on and repurpose your content even further. Create teleseminars, podcasts, and videos by reading or paraphrasing your information so that prospects can hear and see what you have to say on your topic. You will also be able to reach a whole new audience when people can see you and take you along with them in their mp3 players. Acknowledging that not everyone wants to read your eBook will go a long way in letting people know that you understand their needs.
You could literally spend the next six months repurposing the material contained in just one eBook. By then you will have positioned yourself as an expert and be able to move to the next level of your business. Take that time to think about the next writing you will do. You may want to self publish a book by then, instead of writing another eBook. Either way, you will be on your way to the online business you want. Repurposing is the way to turn your information into an empire. Learn to write your eBook in just 7 days with training from my friend and colleague Jim Edwards.
Download Your Special Report “53 Ways to Repurpose Content” – No Optin Required
Connie Ragen Green is an online marketing strategist and bestselling author working with people on six continents to build a lucrative business on the internet. Get started right away at Online Entrepreneur Blueprint and you’ll be on your way to entrepreneurship.
Great information Connie! You helped me see how I can take what I already have and leverage it into many more products.
Thanks once again!
Thanks Connie, you gave me lots of ideas on how to use my ebook content. It’s so much easier to start with your content and repurpose it. I can see how you can get a lot of mileage out of it. Thanks
Repurposing is the best way to develop an online presence and use your valuable content so others see it. Thank you Connie. Its nice to know the 25KQueen of AM2.0
What an awesome viral marketing technique Connie!
Although I’ve read many times about strategic repurposing, this is the very first time I’ve ever heard it suggested to repurpose both my and other free and paid ebooks contents, that I’ve already got access to!
That is such a powerful, potential, perpetual content generating idea!
Because I’ve got more than enough access to all the PDF’s & special reports than I can count!LOL!
Thanks for sharing another awesome marketing strategy Connie! I’ll definitely put this one to use asap!
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