When you write an article, a blog post, or anything else – think about how you can repurpose that information into other forms and mediums. You can use an article as the basis for a teleseminar, a longer article, a CD, or a chapter of an ebook. Transcribe your teleseminars into articles and short reports. Different people like to receive content in more than one way. That is the premise of repurposing. Your ideas can appear over and over in different forms to reach a larger audience.
I’m also a firm believer in re-purposing content.
Here are some additional ways I use with each free report that I create:
1. Offer it as a lead generator on my site
2. Turn it into a Kindle book (offer them free as lead generators)
3. Break up the book into blog posts (Offer my free eBook after each blog post)
4. Create slideshows and upload that to Slideshare (again, offering the pdf eBook at the end of the slideshow)
5. Record audio and turn the slideshows into a videos (Once again, offering the free report in the video)
6. Create an infographic
7. Pick out small nuggets of information and create tweets and forum posts