Selling a digital product on the internet, whether it is an eBook, audio recordings, or a combination of the two, will bring you passive income for years to come. But you must be objective when you promote your product, and let people people tell you what they want instead of you telling them what they need. You may be in love with your idea, but the market may tell you something completely different.
Be willing to do your market research before you begin to create your product. You want to make sure there are thousands of hungry buyers willing to purchase the information you have. Use the free keywords tools available through Google and other sites, test your idea using Adwords, and be willing to let it go if the numbers do not work out.
Making money on the inernet is similar to having an offline business; you must offer products and services people want in order to make a profit. Usually the first product you create comes from your personal experience with health, hobbies, careers, or other areas, so it is natural to get attached to it. By being open to promoting other products and services, such as those on Clickbank, you can diversify and find ones that are of interest to you and will sell well online. Use a site such as ClickbankProsearch to get the details of how well a product is selling, and then do everything you can to promote it. You can always come back to your original idea later on and make the changes necessary to turn it into a winning and profitable product.
Hi Connie,
I couldn’t agree more. As you know I started off in one direction and then decided on a different niche after attending your courses, which helped me focus.
Thanks for the great info.
Best wishes
Hi Connie,
I agree and I would add, “Write your sales letter *before* creating
your info product – at least before setting it i concrete. As a copywriter, I recommend making each chapter title a headline and embedding hooks in each chapter.
Couldn’t agree more!
Too many people in their online business beginning start product first, marketing later – I know we’ve had our share of that…
That seems to be especially true for eBook authors.
I wonder if neglecting these vital steps does not stem from people building products out of passion for their content.
I love your suggestion! Not only do the market research first – do the copywriting!