When you think of SEO for local business marketing, what comes to mind? SEO stands for search engine optimization, and the idea is to use the phrases directly related to the local business you are working with in order to have them rank at or near the top of the SERPs (search engine results pages) when someone is searching on Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Let’s break this down into actionable steps that will make a difference for you and the local businesses you serve.
I continue to describe blogs as being “your home on the internet”. So it just stands to reason that a blog would be an effective tool for maximizing the SEO for local business marketing. With so many options to choose from, you’ll want to know which ones make the most sense for the local business you will be marketing for online. Here are just some of the ways for the business to be easily found when a prospect does a search for what they are looking for:
- Domains
- Title Tags
- Images
Let’s begin with a discussion of domain names for local businesses. The idea here is to use the specific type of industry along with the location. This will give you options like DallasChildrensDentist.com, or the reverse of that, ChildrensDentistDallas.com or ChildrensDentistinDallas.com. I also use “the” in the beginning when the others are not available, such as TheDallasChildrensDentist.com. Don’t be too creative here because your goal is simple to get the industry and location out into cyberspace for the right people to find what they are looking for specifically.
Another point I’d like to share in regards to purchasing domains for SEO for local marketing is to make sure to purchase them for at least three years. This is known to boost your credibility within the search engine ranking system.
Most cities also have neighborhoods within them, so depending on the local business, you may want to purchase neighborhood specific domains. Domains such as LakeHighlandsChildrensDentist.com or UptownDallasChildrensDentist.com may be appropriate, but not in all cases. My neighborhood of three thousand people is known as “Plum Canyon”, but it is highly unlikely that any of us would search for services using that phrase as the location. This is a prime example of the importance of knowing your community and its smaller components before you begin to use SEO for local business marketing with your clients.
Title tags within each post are crucial to your search engine rankings. Within your WordPress site you have the ability to use tags 1 through 4 for your content, with one being the largest font and highest relevance. Use these wisely and sparingly for optimum results.
Adding images to each page and post on your site not only makes the site more aesthetically pleasing overall, but also assists with SEO for local business marketing clients. Be sure to name each image with the keyword phrase you are optimizing for, as well as setting it to open in a new page and attached to the primary website for the local business. I like to spend a few hours taking lots of photographs of the business I am marketing for so that I have them at hand when blogging and creating relevant content for them.
As you can see, SEO for local business marketing can be achieved by taking action in a consistent manner over time. Most local businesses will not have someone as dedicated as you are to this task, so right there you will have a clear and distinct advantage over all others who claim to be marketing for local businesses in their community. Be sure to read my companion posts on LinkedIn Marketing for Online Entrepreneurs and Marketing for Local Business as a Business Model to learn more about how to get started.
Also, take a look at my book on this topic – “Local Business Marketing: Making the Phone Ring for Businesses Everywhere” to get started right away.
I’m bestselling author, marketing strategist, and entrepreneur Connie Ragen Green and I would love to connect further with you to help you to achieve your goals. If you are interested in learning how to optimize the syndication of your content, please take a look at my popular Syndication Optimization training course and consider coming aboard to increase your visibility, credibility, and profitability.
Great Stuff!
Now online advertising has become the newest marketing trend for local and online businesses. And I think SEO for local business service is one of the best businesses that can be started today.
The information you have provided is valuable and I want to give you a huge thumbs up for it.
Thanks for sharing it.
Anjali Desai
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