With everything we do online these days, the need to shorten our long links becomes crucial. I like to tweet my blog posts on Twitter, and email links to my videos to my list. These links are all long and cumbersome, so I use a site call Budurl to shorten them. There is a paid version, but I’m still using the free version for now.
I’ve made a short video for you so you can see how I use this service to help me with my business. And yes, I used Budurl to shorten the link to the video. I’m sure you will agree that this type of site is valuable to everyone doing business on the internet.
I’ll second that motion, Connie! I can’t remember the last time I used a full-sized link. In addition to Budurl, I also use “Snip” and “bit.ly”.
If you use free services like Ping.fm or Hootsuite to post updates to your networks, long links are automatically shortened for you.