Social media marketing has opened up a whole new way for people to connect on the Internet. With the advent of Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, as well as the hundreds of smaller social sites, our lives and our businesses have changed forever. Even if you’re an introvert, as many of the people working online today are, you are able to interact with friends, prospects, and clients on a regular basis. You will be the most successful with this marketing strategy if you have a plan, and then stick to it to achieve measurable goals. I have a course on social media marketing that you will find very helpful.
You must first decide if you are using social media for your own personal use or for a business. I like to make this decision up front, because once you start connecting and sharing with friends and family it is sometimes just too difficult to make the switch in both your thinking and your actions to use it to promote and build your business. If you must do it for both, then set up separate profiles by using a different email address. Keep this straight in your head, or you will finally be too confused to carry on. I’ve seen this with my own students, so I know this can become a huge issue.
Remember that social media marketing is a visual means of communicating, so be sure to use photos and videos as you share what you are doing. It’s easy enough to carry a digital camera with you everywhere you go. You can also upload pictures to sites like Facebook with your cell phone. Add a caption and make a point as you share these pictures with your friends and followers.
I am not comfortable in social settings, so social media has been wonderful for me and my business. I don’t have to dress up, leave my house, or make small talk with people I hardly know. Instead, I can be funny and engaging with my thousands of friends and followers when I choose to connect with them. I always say that I am a social butterfly on these sites, and that I can simply swivel my chair ninety degrees to the right when I no longer feel sociable.
Build your business one tweet or status update at a time by sharing who you are, what you do, and how your business can help others to achieve their goals. This has revolutionized the way we connect with others, and you can benefit by learning as much as possible and then jumping in to take part in what we are all doing online.
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