Starting an Internet business can still be done, but the competition grows each and every day. If this is your goal you will want to take a proactive approach to be as productive as possible while learning as much as you can each day. Being an entrepreneur means that you do not give in to feelings of ‘just not feeling like it’. Do you know what I mean?
I work with students from a variety of backgrounds. It is quite common for someone to tell me they didn’t do any work on their business for a week or so because they just did not feel like it. This is not an attitude that will grow your business, or help you in any area of your life. Make a conscious decision to be successful and then only engage in activities that will ensure your success.
The idea is to adopt a winning attitude. You have heard the saying ‘Winners don’t quit and quitters don’t win’. It’s true. Just by making a commitment to succeed you will be part of the way there already.
I believe that being too comfortable has quite a lot to do with it. If your bills are paid up for the next month or longer you may feel like you deserve to take time off from your business. This can have
a devastating effect on your overall bottom line. Instead, challenge yourself to run your Internet business as though you had stockholders waiting to see the profit margin and the results of what you are accomplishing each month.
If you need help, seek it out from reputable and recommended resources. There are people who are ready and willing to help you with starting an Internet business and taking it to the next level in terms of bottom line results and profitability.
What about you? Are you simply too comfortable to succeed? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic.
Hi Connie,
I wanted to say hello and tell you how happy I am that I found all your wonderful business advice. I am fairly new online and am just beginning my hand at building my own online presence. I picked up a product created by Marlon Sander’s, where he speaks very highly of you….!!!! And, that’s what brought me to you. I have decided to concentrate my efforts on suggestions that you make and stick with those and really take action. I was on information overload and had no clear vision of where to start. Thankfully, now I do!! I’ve just begun Jimmy D. Brown’s “iBusiness Owner” Program and am completely blown away. It’s not the same rehashed garbage that I keep reading over and over again by so-called GURUS…..8-( I also plan on taking your suggestion about Marlon Sander’s Marketing Dashboard. I really can’t thank you enough for your honesty and integrity. I will stay in touch and am definitely buying your new and past books. Are there any other sites that you own that would be helpful on my journey through business building on the internet? Any suggestions that you have, would be greatly appreciated. I guess I’ll wrap it up for now. I’ll keep in touch and let you know how things are progressing.
Thank you kindly for your honesty and integrity!
With kind regards,
Tina Jones 😎
Another excellent post Connie!
And it’s simply amazing isn’t it? How many
people claim they want to be successful online, yet
they are only too willing, to try and cut corners,
when it comes to consistently doing the work
that must constantly be done!
Great post!Thanks!
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