If you have wanted to start a business on the internet but do not know where to begin, you have come to the right place. Writing an eBook is one way to get started with online writing and making money on the internet. Yet many people are reluctant to write an eBook and end up not having the successful online business that could change their lives in many ways. Here are some mistakes that people make that keep them from the success and profit they deserve.
- Believing that just one eBook will give them the passive income they are looking for. The truth is that you must continue to write if you want to make money. You will also make more money by explaining your eBook than by simply selling it on the internet. You can do this with coaching, consulting, or holding teleseminars to get your knowledge and expertise out to others around the world.
- Feeling that they are not an expert in anything. This is just not true. All of us are extremely knowledgeable in at least one area. Think about what people you know ask you on a regular basis. Others can see our strengths better than we can many times. Ask the people around you what they believe to be your strengths. You may be very surprised by their answer because it is usually knowledge that we have been taking for granted. Also, what are you passionate about? This may be an area where you are an expert and will want to share your strong feelings and beliefs.
- Thinking that you need to be an expert in technology to make any money online. This is another myth. You can make money and build an online business with just a minimum of technology. Having someone to walk you through the steps you need to take will make it seem less daunting.
Once you get past these 3 mistakes you can be on your way to building a profitable online business that begins when you get your first eBook written. You may also want to consider joining my mentor program to get personalized help with your writing and editing, as well as all of the technology that is necessary to get started.
Connie Ragen Green’s method of mentoring is an education in itself. She has the heart of a teacher which is evident in her way of making the learning easy and stimulating. The first thing I noticed is how she willing shares information with her students, always looking for the best source at a reasonable cost. I never have the feeling that she is trying to make money. She trying to make me better at having an Internet business. I have learned so much from her classes.
Now with her support, information obtained from teleseminars, and guests she has introduced to her students, the second edition of my ebook is about to come forth.
Thanks Connie