Today's the day! Daniel Scocco, blogger from Daily Blog Tips, has published the entries from his 2009 Group Writing Project. When I heard about this I immediately let my students know so thay could enter. It warms my heart to see that about a dozen of my students are in the 90 … [Read more...]
WordPress or Typepad – Which Blogging Platform Is Best?
I am often asked to give my opinion on which blogging platform is the best. The truth is, I use both WordPress and Typepad, and believe they both have some good and bad points. Typepad is user friendly and is hosted by Six Apart. In the three years I have been with them, their … [Read more...]
How Can Blogging Help Me Write My eBook?
Blogging is an excellent way to organize your eBook so that you can complete it in the shortest amount of time possible. As you are writing your eBook, break it up into chapters that are logical and sequential for your niche topic. Each chapter needs a title that contains your … [Read more...]