I spend about 8 hours each week listening to teleseminars and watching webinars to learn more. I enjoy this form of continuing education, and I know that my students benefit from the information I am then able to share with them. I make sure I am learning from people far more … [Read more...]
Getting Back To Writing Articles And Your eBook After A Holiday Weekend
This past weekend was Memorial Day weekend here in the United States. Memorial Day is a time to honor those who have served our country and made the ultimate sacrifice with their lives. It is also thought of as the beginning of the summer, even though summer is more than three … [Read more...]
Sherri Nickols – Mentee Spotlight
Sherri has been with me for just about a year now, and I am so proud of what she is doing online. Sherri came to me with a strong desire to take her message to the world. Throughout this year she has been able to refine that message, become known in her niche, and worked hard at … [Read more...]