There are more eBooks than ever now available for sale on the internet. What was once an excellent opportunity to make money, has now become much more difficult. The solution? Write an eBook that can be packaged with other components, such as audio and a workbook; use your eBook … [Read more...]
eBook Writing – How To Write An eBook And Record A Chapter To Market Your eBook
eBook writing is just one part of the process of writing and selling your eBook on the internet. Many people give away a chapter to get prospects more interested in purchasing their eBook, but I like the idea of letting people hear your voice. You can read a chapter or an excerpt … [Read more...]
StumbleUpon – Form A StumbleUpon Community To Stumble Each Other's Posts
My mentees are very special to me. They have been with me as I continue to build my online empire, supportive and constructively critical at the same time. They know I will do anything I can to support and promote them. In fact, they are so speciaI that I will be closing my … [Read more...]
eBook Writing And Marketing – Getting Rich With Just One eBook
Someone asked me when I was speaking recently if they could make enough money by selling just one eBook to quit their job and pay their bills. I spent the next hour explaining the answer to him, long after the conference I was speaking at was over. The answer depends on many … [Read more...]
Ebook Writing – Summer Olympics In China Demonstrate The Global Perspective
Although I have eBook writing and marketing students living all over the world, most of the people I work with are located in Northern America, Western Europe, and Australia. After watching the Olympics from Beijing, China, I have begun to think differently about writing and … [Read more...]