Staying in regular contact with the people on your list is the way to build a good relationship with them and to continue building your list. If you are having difficulty coming up with good content to include in your autoresponder messages, look no further than your articles and … [Read more...]
Using an Opt-In Box and a Free Giveaway To Sell Your eBook
An opt-in box is a form that you place on your blog or website to collect the names and email addresses of people who are interested in what you do. In the upper right-hand corner of this blog is my opt-in box. I offer people access to my free weekly teleseminars on technology … [Read more...]
Problem Solving – How to write an eBook that solves a problem
Writing an ebook is about solving a problem or addressing a need that your target market faces. When people are searching for answers to their situation, they are looking for someone who can solve their problem. That is part of the reason that an ebook has so much appeal - … [Read more...]
Build Your List and Increase Pagerank with Squidoo
Do you Squidoo? If not, you are missing out on a great opportunity. Squidoo was started by marketer Seth Godin several years ago. At this free site you set up a page, called a 'lens', that relates to a specific topic. I set up a few of these lenses during the fall of 2007 and … [Read more...]