A great way to build your list and begin the process of promoting yourself and your eBook is to write an e-course. An E-Course can be five to seven lessons, or any number that you choose, delivered over a period of time through your autoresponder. This means that whenever someone … [Read more...]
7 Tips For Getting Back In The Blogging Habit To Promote Your eBook
Are You in the Blogging Habit? You will need to market yourself and your eBook if you want to make profit from it. Blogging is the best way to get this accomplished so that people can find your information easily on the internet. If you have abandoned your blog, or are just … [Read more...]
How To Write A Press Release To Promote Your eBook
In the olden days, about five years ago in internet years, individuals did not send press releases on their own behalf. There were unwritten rules about things like that, and no one would have dreamed of breaking the rules. The media - newspapers, magazine, radio stations, and … [Read more...]