Your articles will form the basis of all your online writing. My website, appropriately called From Idea To Ebook, is about the process you can use to write down your ideas, turn them into blog posts, expand them into articles, and finally, write the eBook based on your original idea.
I encourage you to join me on my weekly teleseminars where I walk you through the steps of turning your ideas into an eBook you can sell online. For now, start writing and submitting your articles and start a blog on your niche topic, and you will be on your way to building a profitable online empire.
This is one of the best tips out! Since learning the benefits of turning blog posts into articles which then become the basis of an e-book… I’ve incorporated the process into my work. And it is so good to be able to re-purpose ideas! One of my major weaknesses is my lack of enthusiasm for writing… ok, I admit, I’m somewhat lazy when it comes to writing. So having something that can expand and change and develop into something else is a real carrot for me!