When you are an affilite for someone else’s products or services they will provide you with a unique link to track any sales you make. It is best to purchase a domain name for this link so that you can promote the product or service through article marketing and blog posts.
Once you have chosen a keyword rich domain name for the affiliate product, be sure to forward and mask the domain name to your affiliate link. This will ensure that you receive the commission that is due, and will also allow you to include the link at the end of your articles and in your blog posts. No one will be able to keep you from receiving your commission because they will not see your affiliate link.
The reason you will want to mask the affiliate link is so that no one will see where it actually goes, and also so that you can include your keywords in the meta tag description. You will find that an affiliate domain name can rank high in the search engines if you use the right keywords.
This is the type of information that I teach in my technology training home study program. To find out if this course is for you, visit Online Technology Secrets to learn more. I also offer unlimited email support for 90 days from the date you register for the program. I look forward to helping you to build your online business.
This is a powerful idea. I love the idea of redirecting from a domain to an affiliate program. Ranking high in Google through keywords is a powerful idea.
Thanks Connie