Teleseminars give you the opportunity of connecting with your prospects and clients in the closest way possible, without actually meeting them in person. Our voice is a powerful instrument, and using it to build your business is an excellent way to leverage the power of the Internet by sharing your knowledge and expertise. I recommend holding a weekly teleseminars to give some general information on your niche topic. Most of us are using a paid teleseminar service that offers us many options for producing our teleseminars quickly.
Make an outline of the information you will include during your teleseminars. This can come from an article you have written, a blog post, questions you have received from your prospects, or from any other source that is available. This is just one example of repurposing content you have already presented and turning it into a call that can be recorded and later sold, either by itself or as part of a package.
You may want to provide this outline as a handout to those who attend your call. I like to write everything in Word or another word processing program, and then convert it to a PDF – portable document format. You can purchase a program such as Adobe’s Acrobat or use a free program that works in a similar manner. You then upload the file to your hosting company using one of the free FTP – file transfer protocol programs. If all of this sounds too technical or a bit confusing, know that you can learn how to do this in less than an hour.
During your teleseminars the listeners will then be able to download the handout you have prepared and take notes. You will have your outline close at hand to use while you are speaking. Include a resource page at the end and your contact information on each page of your handout. You never know when someone will want to get in touch with you long after the call is over.
You may be nervous the first few times you do your own teleseminars, but it gets much easier over time. By offering a free call at the same time and on the same day each week, people will come to know who you are and what you do online. Email your list to remind them of your topic each week, and also tweet about it over at Twitter. After you have done this for a few weeks, advertise your call as an event on Facebook. You can do this at no cost to you and meet some new prospects and potential clients. After your call is completed, have it transcribed and turn it into a product for sale on the Internet.
Connie, thanks for the great info as always. I believe you’re right on target with this. Teleseminars seem to be a good way to reach people. I simply have to devise a system of doing this regularly. Do you think it’s absolutely necessary to do one per week for this concept to work, or could you do once per month and still be effective?
Thanks, Cinda Crawford, host of the Health Matters Show
I really like your advice here Connie!
And suggesting that we record our teleseminars,
and make them part of a package, is a great marketing strategy.
Thanks for reminding us of the possibilities!It’s just another proven marketing strategy, to add to our ever growing
marketing arsenal! Thanks!
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