Time management will help you to be more productive in your business. Most people working online today do not come from a corporate background, and are not as likely to be familiar with techniques for efficiency and effectiveness. Once you put this into place in your business, even in a small way, you will start to see how your business can grow very quickly.
When you give two different people the same amount of time to complete a task, you will know almost immediately who will be the most successful entrepreneur. The trick is to know what you will spend time on before you sit down to do it. To be the most effective you will need to keep a list of tasks at all times. That way you will be able to get to work immediately when you have some time, instead of spending time to figure out how you will use your time. Does this make sense?
In other words, if you have to wait in line, or in an office for an appointment, you will always have something to keep you busy. Keep a notebook with you to write in and to make notes, and also keep an mp3 player of some kind handy so you can listen to training calls and other useful information. You can do this in the car as well.
This is making the most effective use of your time so that you can be more efficient in your business. By knowing exactly what you can work on once you sit down to work, you will eliminate the need to spend time deciding what you can do. The result is more accomplished in much less time, and an increase in your bottom line.
Great pointers, Connie! An interesting “test” to see who would be the successful one. Being efficient takes some pre-planning, but once it is a routine, you do get more done, faster.
One of the greatest additions to my productivity has been my Kindle. I absolutely love it…I can carry any number of books with me anywhere I go and can even take notes and highlight things right on the Kindle and then transfer the notes directly to my computer. Talk about a time saver.
As a matter of fact, I’m going to do a book review as a blog post this week and my Kindle has saved me A BUNCH of re-typing!
Great tips Connie – thank you.
Lists are great – I love them. Can’t seem to function properly without them. They keep me focussed and on track. It’s amazing what I can achieve some days when I use my time wisely. I remember reading somewhere a really simple statement: “We all have exactly the same amount of hours in a day – it’s what we do with them that counts”.
One of my best time management decisions was to stop (or seriously limit) my TV viewing. I now sit down with the family once a week to watch a film. Apart from that I watch no TV and my productivity has gone through the roof.
I also like to break big tasks down into bite-sized pieces. That way I can do a tiny task while I’m waiting for something else or in between other jobs and I’m still moving forward with the bigger task.
Great post – as ever
much love
Ah ha! Great post. I’m looking forward to your call on this topic tomorrow. Off to make my list!