Time management and organization are crucial to success in any field. When you are working online, it will be of utmost importance to make sure that you are managing your time and staying organized so that you can achieve all of your goals. No matter what type of work you were doing before you made the decision to work from your home computer, these are areas that must be addressed from the very beginning.
Decide when and where you will work. I accomplish more early in the day, so it makes sense for me to devote about three hours to writing during the morning hours. By ten or eleven o’clock I have usually done more than many people do in an entire day or more. Time management when you have you own business is about knowing which time of day is most productive for you. That way you can set your hours accordingly.
You will also want to focus on staying organized. This relates to both papers and files on your desk and to the files on your hard drive. If you are not able to locate what you need within a minute or so, you must strengthen your organizational skills to increase your productivity.
Make a point of increasing your skills in both of these areas a little at a time. By improving just one percent each day, you will soon have more free time and a higher income than you ever thought possible. Do whatever you must do to be a good role model to those around you. The idea is to manage your time to be able to do what you love with the people who are important in your life.
I’m good at time management… I manage to run out of time. lol
I work well in the morning also… mid afternoon is my down time. I leave my computer to take care of the yard and other household duties. I seem to get another work spurt in the evening. I look at the clock and it’s well after midnight.
I sit at the computer for long hours… but I just don’t seem to accomplish all that I want to in one day. My white board still has tasks that I wanted to get completed.
Good thing there is always tomorrow.