I found out that most of you stay on this blog about one minutes, thirty four seconds and almost 70% of you would be long gone before reading the second sentence. Google Analytics tells you all this and much, much more when you sign up for their free service. You must know what is happening on your blog and website if you are going to build an online business.
You simply register for an account, enter your blog or website url, and then they give you the code needed to find out all of the details. On your website you will want to add the code just above the </body> tag, and be sure to do that for each page of your site.
So how will this help you sell more of your eBook or other product or service? Once you know what people are doing when they come to your site, and where they come from in the first place, you can make the necessary changes to get more people to visit and stay longer. Sign up for my weekly teleseminars and I will cover this in more detail in the near future.
Connie, thanks for the reminder about Google Analytics. I set it up, then forget to check it. MyBlogLog does some tracking, but not as good as Google does.
Hi Connie,
In your Ebook Master Mind Group. Great call today on Twitter and Face Book. wow! 500 people on the call that is a lot. Great job with your marketing.
Annie B Lawrence