If you think MySpace is just for kids, you probably haven’t been over there in awhile. The link back from MySpace to your website or blog is worth the time for you to set it up. Also check out Seth Godin’s Squidoo, where you can put up a “lens” on any topic you choose. This is another good link to have.
My favorite site is currently Facebook. If you want to learn everything there is to know about using Facebook as a social networking tool, sign up for Mari Smith’s free e-course. Mari has been doing business on the internet for years, and this course is sure to be thorough and informative. I have signed up as well, so I can learn more from Mari.
Your next stop should be Ning, where you can set up your own myspace type of page and even invite people to join you.
Be sure to include social media and networking to your marketing plan for getting the word out about your ebook.
Thanks for the information on the Facebook course. I am connected with Mari at Facebook and keep finding people using that Podpress so maybe I need to look into using it myself!!!