Testimonials are very powerful. They allow you to share what is working in your business without having to brag about yourself. The kind of testimonials I am writing about here include the ones from clients, customers, and prospects that talk about the benefits someone has received from using one of your products, taking one of your courses, or working with you directly. These can be used in your email messages to your list to build your relationships even further. This is also referred to as social proof.
If you are not familiar with this type of marketing strategy, or have never received an email that uses this technique, think about someone who has said something positive about one of your products or courses. Imagine them writing to your list and telling a little bit of their story. Then imagine the reaction of your list when they read this email. When they can relate to the testimonial they will be more likely to make a purchase from you.
I first used this idea when I held a teleseminar on an upcoming course I was teaching on article marketing and blogging as a way to build online visibility back in 2007. After the call one of my people wrote to me and shared a story about the time he had written to me and said he did not have any ideas for articles he could write in his niche.
He was about to give up and not pursue his dream of working online. I had his number and picked up the phone and gave him a call. We spoke for about fifteen minutes, and during that time I showed him how could write a series of ten articles during the next two weeks that could be repurposed into blog posts, teleseminar outlines, an e-course, and a short report. He was excited at the prospect of getting his business off the ground and is now working full time on the Internet. He said he could not and would not have done it without my help.
I shared this testimonial in a follow up email to my list. During the next three days my course sold out, and soon people were waiting in line to learn from me. I now ask for testimonials on a regular basis, as well as ask people if I may use what they have written to me on future sales letters and other promotional material. Start a folder and save the emails people send to you that could be used for this purpose in the future. You will be glad you can use this technique to share what others say about you with your prospects, and the social proof it provides is priceless.
Very useful, Connie 🙂