Twitter has been an excellent site for me to connect with prospects online. I now spend about fifteen minutes each day sharing my information on building an online business. My followers share information on what they are doing as well. All of this may seem like a huge waste of time, but in reality it is the fastest way to find people who are interested in learning more about your topic. You can follow me on Twitter if you aren’t already. I’m @ConnieGreen there. Let me know and I will follow you back.
If you have ever done any face to face networking, you know how long it can take to find even one person who wants to do business with you. The problem is that you must introduce yourself to everyone, one person at a time, in hopes of finding the person you are looking for. That can take forever, and the rubber chicken lunch is unbearable after doing this for awhile. On the internet you can connect with people almost immediately.
Twitter is a place to present yourself to the world. In your profile you can tell the world something about yourself and give a link to your site or blog. People will know very quickly if you are the one they are searching for. An added bonus is that there are people from around the world and it is available 24 hours a day.
Set up an account on Twitter and search for people to follow. You can easily search by keyword to find people who are tweeting about your topic. Many of my best clients have found me on this site, and I have found the answers to many of my questions there as well. I have even connected with people who may be unreachable in any other way.
I love the Twitterverse! Some people find it challenging to craft 140-character messages, but I really like those parameters. Since I’m a person who’s guilty of rambling on at times, posting at Twitter forces me to “shortcut” and get to heart of the matter quickly. Therefore, it actually ends up being a great time saver for me.
It’s my understanding that Twitter is growing in popularity by 40% a month — Wow! No wonder you’ve found some of your best clients on Twitter, Connie.
Always great biz tips here,
Thanks for the tips! I’m still trying to figure out how to make Twitter effective, so anything you have to share is appreciated!
Follow me on Twitter – @ConnieGreen – and I’ll be glad to show you around.